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      WTS Aggressive Concealment PTPROIWBLP IWB Kydex Holster for The Taurus PT 111/140 Pro Gen1

      Aggressive Concealment PTPROIWBLP IWB Kydex Holster for The Taurus PT 111/140 Pro Gen1 Buy Now This is our "LPT" Low Profile IWB (inside the waistband) Kydex holster and fits the Taurus PT 111/140 Pro. All of our holsters are handmade in the USA. All of our components are sourced from USA...
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      Thoughts on Taurus PT111 Millenium G2

      Having had only revolvers for home SD I recently applied for my LTC (oh the waiting game). I picked up a Ruger LCP to carry but wanted to consider a 9MM as another option. Browsing Bud's Gun Shop I stumbled across a Taurus PT111 Millenium G2 for $210. I haven't given the brand or the gun much...
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      Taurus 1111031G212 111 MillPro 9mm 3.25" 12+1 Syn Grips Blued

      Taurus 1111031G212 111 MillPro 9mm 3.25" 12+1 Syn Grips Blued $219 shipped Taurus 1111031G212 111 MillPro 9mm 3.25" 12+1 Syn Grips Blued TAURUS INTERNATIONAL Millennium G2 TAU 1111031G212 111 MillPro 9mm 3.25" 12+1 Syn Grips Blued The Taurus Millennium G2 is the ideal...
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      Taurus 1738031FS 738 TCP 380 1MG NO CASE

      Taurus 1738031FS 738 TCP 380 1MG NO CASE $179 shipped Taurus 1738031FS 738 TCP 380 1MG NO CASE 738 TCP is not only the lightest semi-auto in the Taurus line. It is lighter than any of Taurus's small frame revolvers. The 738 TCP offers 6+1 shots of .380 ACP, a durable polymer frame and...
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      Taurus 1111031G212 111 MillPro 9mm 3.25" 12+1 Syn Grips Blued

      Taurus 1111031G212 111 MillPro 9mm 3.25" 12+1 Syn Grips Blued $269 shipped Taurus 1111031G212 111 MillPro 9mm 3.25" 12+1 Syn Grips Blued TAURUS INTERNATIONAL Millennium G2 TAU 1111031G212 111 MillPro 9mm 3.25" 12+1 Syn Grips Blued The Taurus Millennium G2 is the ideal...
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      Taurus 1111031G212 111 MillPro 9mm 3.25" 12+1 Syn Grips Blued ***$299***

      Taurus 1111031G212 111 MillPro 9mm 3.25" 12+1 Syn Grips Blued ***$299*** FREE shipping and no cc fees. Taurus 1111031G212 111 MillPro 9mm 3.25" 12+1 Syn Grips Blued TAURUS INTERNATIONAL Millennium G2 TAU 1111031G212 111 MillPro 9mm 3.25" 12+1 Syn Grips Blued The Taurus...
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