11/23-24, 2013 Houston, TX First Aid/Trauma Management & Advanced Pistol

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  • Combative W

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    Feb 14, 2013
    Where are all the Houston shooters? 3 weeks left until Combative Weapon Solutions first trip to Houston co teaching with Nolatac Firearms. Plenty of seats left for our Tactical Medicine and Advanced Pistol class November 23-24, 2013. To sign up, simply emil us at lee@combativeweaponsolutions.com or visit our webpage at Tactical Weapon Training Classes Austin Texas

    The number of people that sign up for this class will dictate future classes that we do in Houston come next year. Next years curriculum will include Low Light/Night Time, Active Shooter Response, Vehicle Concepts, and Home Defense. Plus, we will be hosting Travis Haley, Chris Costa, and co teaching a special class with Dark Angel Medical. Come see why we are the pinnacle in reality based training.


    Lee Vernon
    Tactical Weapon Training Classes Austin Texas


    Scruffy Nerf Herder
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    Jan 9, 2012
    Cedar Park
    For what its worth, I'd love to attend and check you guys out but I have a wedding that weekend. I also probably couldn't justify $400 coming up on Christmas like that either but hope you get a good turnout and will keep an eye on yall for the future.

    Combative W

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    Feb 14, 2013
    Cajun has a personal issue with them, but yet I do not believe he has ever trained with them. So, no merit to the post. I work with a LOT of industry professionals and instructors and I have nothing but praise for Nolatac. I would not put my name behind it and co teach if I did not believe in them 100%. To each his own, but always look at the credentials and history from what some people say as many times it is simply assumptions without facts or simply someone that got butt hurt at some point and time and then holds a grudge.


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    Sep 8, 2008
    Your right I have not trained with Brandon before. There's much better choices out there. Also what's the background on the guys teaching the medical portion of your class? The class I took was taught my a combat medic.

    Combative W

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    Feb 14, 2013
    Cajun, if you have never trained with him, then how would you know there are better choices? Doesn't make any sense. As far as (Me) teaching the medical portion, I have over 21 years as an EMT working in a major city, have numerous awards for lives saved, and worked some of the worst parts of town with the highest violence rates for well over 10 years. I am confident to put my skill sets, background experience, and teaching ability up with the best in the business. It is in very poor taste and lack of personal character to sit and post negative content about an individual if you do not have substantive evidence to back up your claim. But then again, that's just me.


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    Sep 8, 2008
    It is in very poor taste and lack of personal character to sit and post negative content about an individual if you do not have substantive evidence to back up your claim. But then again, that's just me.
    I find that funny bc I've seen you buddy Brandon make up different screen names on a site and attack a fellow trainer. And yes they knew if was him bc of the IP address.

    Combative W

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    Feb 14, 2013
    I reviewed every single one of your initial posts..... Posts can say a lot about an individual and it told me enough. I am not going to sit here and go back and forth with you as you have already made your mind up. Hell, you can not even get his name right! I do have two questions for you though. How much training have you attended and if it was worth your time and money, why have you not posted a review of such training if you believed what you attended was valuable information as to inform others? Confirmation of both are something that all of your posts seem to lack. This is a huge reason I do not spend a lot of my time on forums, a lot of unsubstantiated yaking that is not constructive and simply ends up being "he said/she said" drama. Instead of basing an opinion off of a "post" which very well may/may not have validity (as I am all for calling people out if what is being said is utter and complete BS), why not actually research and attend something in order to have a valid and educated conclusion? I could care less about forum drama, rather I care about context and material that is congruent to educating and saving lives. BRANNON is a first class instructor. Not only have I attended many of his classes that he has hosted or taught with notable industry professionals, I have worked with him side by side personally. The feedback given by people that actually attend his or our classes is proof in the pudding.

    Credibility and actual street experience are invaluable. Although there is great information to be gained from the previous 10+ years of fighting a war, the last time I looked, we do not live in "Durka-Durkastand", rather the USA. We have laws and are held accountable/liable for our actions to a much higher standard. Just because an individual is a tier one operator in the military world, an LEO that has been involved in multiple shoot outs, is a competitor in the shooing arena, or can recite every book written in regards to shooting does not make one a credible teacher. Great teachers are far and few between. The good ones can/have both, experience in the context or subject matter being taught and the ability to pass information on to others in a format that is easily understood by the receiver. And I can go on and on.....

    So, until you bring some credibility or substatiative information to the table, quit inducing forum drama. It benefits no one. A simple no reply to this initial post would have been sufficient if you simply did not want to attend.


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    Sep 8, 2008
    I've haven't taken any classes here in TX. I have friend that bring quality instructors to the Baton Rouge area. And your right about good instructors. I've taken some classes by a few by Max Michel, Tom Given, Louis Awerbuck, Paul Gomez, and Nate with Advantage Group. So if you have any questions about them go ahead and ask away.

    Your right about Brandon. I don't know much about him. When I read his first thread on Bayoushooter I knew he was just good for comic relief. The into post he did on Bayoushooters was how as a LEO he pulled over a person who had a CWL, and he ended up field stripping the guys gun bc he didn't carry a round in the chamber. He said if the guy didn't carry a round in the gun he might as well have a disabled gun. If you don't believe me just look up his post on Bayoushooter (NOLATAC) and see what he's really about. I'm suprised he hasn't gotten on here and threaten to kick my $@& yet. But I'm sure that's coming also.

    And just for you if I can make it to War Concepts (James Fleming) around my school schedule I will do a AAR. Even though I"m not a writer.

    Combative W

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    Feb 14, 2013
    The guy Brannon stopped and educated on carrying an unloaded gun should be thankful. Brannon has a point and I would agree, what good is a gun without a loaded chamber? Might as well carry around a rock as that is what you have. If you think otherwise, then there is a lot of false security or bad education/training going on. This is where credible instructors with real street experience are invaluable. It is amazing and humbling to attend force on force training as it will definitely show you where your weaknesses are. Training on a square range can only do so much and lacks the reality of a true confrontation where seconds count. It is a whole different ball game when bullets are flying by you and there is a repercussion for making a bad decision or your fundamentals fall apart.
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