Aug 8, 2021 #1 Dead Roman Active Member Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Oct 12, 2019 350 46 Pearland Bunch of monarch. Some silver, some green, some lacquer, some not. Its all new, maybe had it a year in preparation of building a bunch of AK’s but since my ATF run in the wife is not about it. If y’all want it, pick up in pearland. $220
Bunch of monarch. Some silver, some green, some lacquer, some not. Its all new, maybe had it a year in preparation of building a bunch of AK’s but since my ATF run in the wife is not about it. If y’all want it, pick up in pearland. $220
Aug 8, 2021 #2 Dead Roman Active Member Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Oct 12, 2019 350 46 Pearland Someone already said its priced too high, so 200.