79 Mustang

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  • RIATAC45

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    Price Drop to $2500obo. The motor alone is worth $1600
    I have decided to get away from hot rodding and let my car go. It is a 1979 mustang hatch back, I have done most of the hard work already. All the car needs is a few little odds and ends and to have the motor and tranny put back in it. The car was originally a 4cyl but I had a 302 in it, now I have a roller cam 351 and a C-6 trans for it. I also have GT40 heads, MSD 6AL ignition box, UPR anti roll bar, and a 5" cowl hood that are also going with it. The car has had the body lines filled, 1989 rear bumper cover and quarter windows, interior door handles and locks relocated, an 8.8" rearend with Motorsport 3.55 gears and posi, Hurst rachet shifter, and a Grant steering wheel. If you have any questions, or would like more pics you can e-mail me at RIA45@comcast.net, I would entertain any offers for cash and guns or maybe all guns in trade.


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