A 'less' documented gun?

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  • kingofwylietx

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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    I was chatting with a buddy this past weekend and somehow we got onto the subject of the semi-recent New Orleans gun confiscation related to hurricane Katrina. They basically went door-to-door taking all the guns. He suggested buying a gun or two from an individual, so it wouldn't be on a list of things to be taken from you....since you don't have to register firearms in Texas and the least documented way to legally buy one is from an individual.

    What is your opinion: Could it happen in Texas? If so, would you want something left behind so that the bad guys (looters, crooks, whatever) were not the only ones left armed?


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    I wonder if the folks in New Orleans thought it couldn't happen there.....and we all know that those guys are a different breed too.

    Just curious..

    I'm sure they did, but if we were dealing with someone on that scale I'm not giving up anything. Especially after seeing how that fiasco was handled.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Yep, since there is no legal requirement in the great state of Texas to register firearms from private party sales, this is a perfectly valid thing to do.

    Honestly, I don't think it could happen in Texas. I forget the exact bill however Governor Perry signed one into law specifically to outlaw any such confiscations happening in Texas. I like that guy! If things went horribly wrong and such a thing happened here, while it may sound unsavory to some, I will put up armed resistance if forced to do so. I'm not giving up anything, especially seeing as I would not have broken any laws to warrant it. The day citizens at large are forced to resist such unconstitutional acts and are killed in their own homes by LE/Military would be the worst day this country has ever faced. Lets hope it never comes to that. It may sound tinfoil hat to some, though as we've seen it already happened in Louisiana even after no one ever thought it possible.

    jim t

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    Mar 4, 2008
    Hawley Texas
    I dont want any trouble with the law. having said that I will not give up my guns. they are mine and the constitution says I have a right to them. If they come for them they better have a piece of paper that says the constitiution is gone. and they better be ready to taake them by force.

    I live by the law, some of them I dont like, but I live by them anyway. but that is one law I will not abide by. My guns are a right given to me by the founding fathers, and I will not comprimize on it.

    God, Guns and real men made America. the least we can do is try and keep it that way.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    They will need to pry my guns from me.I am dreading this election as the popular candidates are very anti gun.:(


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Republic of Texas
    I dont want any trouble with the law. having said that I will not give up my guns. they are mine and the constitution says I have a right to them. If they come for them they better have a piece of paper that says the Constitution is gone. and they better be ready to take them by force.

    I live by the law, some of them I dont like, but I live by them anyway. but that is one law I will not abide by. My guns are a right given to me by the founding fathers, and I will not compromise on it.

    God, Guns and real men made America. the least we can do is try and keep it that way.

    Jim... if you were running for prez... I'd have to vote for you.


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    Mar 5, 2008
    They did not go door to door. They went to a few doors. They did not have a list, so buying a gun with no paperwork does not matter. They searched the homes.

    Texas passed a law in the last session making gun confiscations illegal. It has been widely publicized and most LEOs know about, so I doubt it will ever happen. Compared to NO, Texas is very heavily armed, and the guns are in large, heavy safes making confiscation during SHTF very difficult.


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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    Just because there's a law, it doesn't necessarily mean it won't be circumvented. Especially during a time of unrest and by a backwards thinking government. All you need is one Nagin wannabe out there to think that people who own guns are a danger to society during a time of crisis. Nevermind that they are responsible and are doing nothing more than protecting themselves and their families. I shudder even thinking about it!


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    The good thing is now in the great state of Texas we have a legal precedent to say that confiscation from law-abiding citizens is against the law. While it may not prevent a spur of the moment confiscation by some vile, evil politician with an agenda, what it will do is allow us that much more support after Texans file a class action lawsuit against the @sshole(s) and sue their @ss into bankruptcy and hopefully destroy their lives as a result (harsh but I have no respect for someone that will trample on my rights). Without such a law on the books, they can just claim ignorance and that they thought it was the right thing to do at the time. No we have a law so they have no excuse.

    Ray Nagin should be in a Federal prison serving a sentence of 15-25 without parole. Considering he hasn't had to pay for what he has done, that unfortunately only sends a message to other politicians that they can get away with it.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Austin, TX
    I think some have forgotten the events and other damage from these hurricanes. New Orleans was not the only place that was heavily hit by them. Texas and Mississippi were also heavily damaged. You did not see the type of bullshit that transpired in NO in Miss or Texas.

    Oh no my friends. In fact just the opposite happened in our great state. The local populations that were hit banded together, and took care of business in a quick and efficient manner. You will never see the bullshit on large scale here in Texas like what occured in NO. Here, we have something called honor, respect, and a sense of responsibility. Sure, there were some good folks in NO. I have spent waaaay to much time there. It was a piece of shit place before the hurricanes, and it is equally as shitty now.

    Remember, you are in Texas. The best dang state in the Union. Always has been, always will be. That type of BS will not be tolerated here.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Yep, exactly. The NRA even sued Ray Nagin and won:



    He and Warren Riley (NO Police chief) were held in contempt of court. I don't know what punishment they were subjected to, however it wasn't nearly enough as they should have both (well Ray Nagin at least) been put in a Federal prison after that whole ordeal.

    Hobie Dog

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    Feb 24, 2008
    San Marcos, Texas
    The question has been dealt with in Texas as stated above. Some are trying to support this nationally. So, who are you voting for?

    If you have not seen the videos of the confiscations I urge you to watch them.

    If anyone comes across some good quality guns that are up for purchase PLEASE let me know.


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    Aug 2, 2008
    nice to know govenor rick had a moment of clarity when he signed this piece of legislation; IMHO-they are few/far between.

    however, since Texas is no longer a Republic, how would this legislation trump federal law(s) that we all know will be passed once BHO/his possee gets to the White House?

    any thoughts?

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