A place to shoot in Austin?

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  • SiNNiK

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    Mar 26, 2008
    Austin, Tx.
    Hey Y'all, I picked up a shotgun a couple months ago and would like to find a place I could go to and shoot something else besides 7 1/2 birdshot or slugs.

    I went out to the Trap and Skeet range off of Decker (those guys and gals are #1!) and they let me shoot their pattern board for free, as long as I used 7 1/2 shot. It was great to get some rounds through it, but I want to shoot some 00 this time.

    Red's will let me shoot a shotgun there, if I use slugs. I just can't justify gettin in the car, driving there, renting a lane and whatnot just to shoot a few slugs. I don't think I could afford very many, and even though the Benelli has a ComforTech stock, I'm not sure how long I'd last with slugs.

    So anyone know of a range that doesn't mind 00 and the like? Or maybe someone with private property up in North Austin/Cedar Park area? I just want to plink.


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    Feb 28, 2008
    Another one The Rusty Spur Shooting Range, north on hwy.29 about six mi. past Bertram on right 4 mi east of Burnet. Nice people well kept.25,50 and 100 yd.Phone 715 9303 or 512-715-0899.


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    Jul 1, 2008
    Dang...I can't think of the name but there is a range on the north west side of Austin.

    Nevermind, They really ain't that good of a range.
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