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  • pawncop

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    Aug 11, 2008
    Yesterday, 03.01.2009, I celebrated 25 years as a reserve officer with my agency, I worked patrol until 2003, have worked the pawn shop detail since then. Have also been the property and evidence officer for two and half years, and am still part of the honor guard. I served as a reserve deputy for five years prior to my transfer to the city, so I have a total of 30 years as a reserve officer.

    I have been shot at twice (not really personal, first was a sort of drive by following a building search but I heard the bullet go past my ear and second a fellow was shooting at cat and I was kinda in the way), part of a lawsuit for 35 million regarding an in custody death, ( got cleared of any wrongdoing early on, but was still part of the party, got to be investigated by all sorts of interesting folks, FBI, State Attorney General's office, two internal affairs investigations, target of a grand jury investigation).

    Despite all the downsides to law enforcement, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time assisting a great group of regular officers over the years.

    Being a reserve means I am a volunteer (my property and evidence stint was a paid position) and truly the money has never been an issue. I have considered it an honor to serve my community and tried in every way I can to make my community safer, right some wrongs, put some folks away that have tried to cheat and steal their way, and return property to those that have been a victim of having their sanctity of their residence violated by those that cheat and steal.

    I look forward to more years of service and pray that God will allow me to continue to contribute in this honored fashion.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Congrats.Thats a lot of time serving your community.Wish I were in your town so I could buy you a beer.
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