Another School Shooting (Bans are working )

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  • zaraster

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    Mar 19, 2008
    3 shot at Phoenix community college; 2 critical

    By JACQUES BILLEAUD and CHRIS KAHN – 14 hours ago
    PHOENIX (AP) — Officials say three people were shot Thursday afternoon at South Mountain Community College in Phoenix, and two of them were critically injured.
    A witness said the shooter had been fighting with another man in a computer building. The gunman seemed to be directing his shots and not firing randomly, said student Yessenia Lara, 18.
    "I saw someone get punched and then I heard three shots after that. Everybody basically ducked, and the shooter got away," Lara said, adding that the victims were yelling in pain.
    A 25-year-old man and a 22-year-old woman were in critical condition, while a 17-year-old boy was in stable condition, said Mark Faulkner, a division chief for the Phoenix Fire Department. No other information on their injuries was available.
    The victims were taken by firefighters to a county hospital, Faulkner said.
    There was no information on the person responsible for the shooting, which happened around 4 p.m. MST.
    An electronic sign outside the school said all classes were canceled Thursday and students could be seen leaving the campus calmly.
    Television footage showed police clustered outside a building.
    Situated at the base of Phoenix's South Mountain, the college has more than 8,000 students. Most students are seeking associate degrees and certificates of completion.
    Officials reached at the college didn't immediately have any information on the shootings.
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