Bersa Thunder .380

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  • Sauron

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    May 21, 2008
    I've been looking into buying a Bersa Thunder .380 for the last few days, and I'm thinking I'll go do it tonight as soon as I get off work, since there's an Academy that carries them right by here. Can anyone give me any recommendations such as the best type of ammo, best place to buy clips/accessories, maintenance, etc? I currently have 50 rds of Winchester White Box that I bought a few years ago but haven't used. Any issues with that type of ammo? What would you guys recommend for range firing as well as defense? Yup, a lot of questions here, but would appreciate any insight you guys can give me. :)

    Moe Howard

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    May 1, 2008
    My wife has one and shoots the Blazer and Winchester mostly. Hers likes Hydrashocks and Speer Gold Dot for defense ammo. Extra mags can be had in lots of places on the net. I get mine at Cheaper than Dirt and Midway USA,,,,,I think. As far as maintenance, just shoot and clean it, it is a nice reliable, accurate gun but keep it clean. I can't really give any advice on holsters as my wife doesn't carry and I have other guns that fit the "Bersa" category that I prefer, so I have never bought a holster for her. Oh, and work the safety/decocker a lot. I don't know if it really smooths out or you just get used to it, but that thing is stiff.


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    Mar 19, 2008
    I have the 380 and the thunder 9mm . they are great guns have never failed and are under priced. you will like it


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    Mar 7, 2008
    Parker County
    Can anyone give me any recommendations such as the best type of ammo, best place to buy clips/accessories, maintenance, etc? I currently have 50 rds of Winchester White Box that I bought a few years ago but haven't used. Any issues with that type of ammo? What would you guys recommend for range firing as well as defense? Yup, a lot of questions here, but would appreciate any insight you guys can give me. :)

    The All-seeing Eye should know these things already; can't you just compel some minion to procure the gun and ammo and bring it to you?

    Seriously though, the .380 is much weaker in the ballistics dept. than 9mm so I keep mine (AMT Backup) loaded with 95-grain round-nose FMJ. I don't think that over penetration is going to be a problem with this round - I would be more concerned with not enough penetration in a hollow point. For the record, mine is strictly a BUG not my primary carry weapon.


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    May 21, 2008
    Thanks for the advice, everyone. I purchased my Bersa .380 last night and picked up another box of Winchester along with a ProMag as well. I found out afterwards that the ProMag is NOT a good magazine for it, which I pretty much determined myself just by loading a few rounds into it. I'll probably buy another couple of factory mags online later.

    So, now on to the next couple of questions. Does anyone have any recommendations for cleaning the gun, what cleaning kit to use, etc? I've performed plenty of maintenance on rifles thanks to my time in the military, but haven't done it much at all with a pistol, so I'm not sure if there's much difference between the two. I'd like to give it a thorough cleaning before I take it to the range this weekend.

    Alright, had another question in mind, but can't remember it. I'll just ask later once I do. Thanks again!


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    Mar 19, 2008
    Thanks for the advice, everyone. I purchased my Bersa .380 last night and picked up another box of Winchester along with a ProMag as well. I found out afterwards that the ProMag is NOT a good magazine for it, which I pretty much determined myself just by loading a few rounds into it. I'll probably buy another couple of factory mags online later.

    So, now on to the next couple of questions. Does anyone have any recommendations for cleaning the gun, what cleaning kit to use, etc? I've performed plenty of maintenance on rifles thanks to my time in the military, but haven't done it much at all with a pistol, so I'm not sure if there's much difference between the two. I'd like to give it a thorough cleaning before I take it to the range this weekend.

    Alright, had another question in mind, but can't remember it. I'll just ask later once I do. Thanks again! Link

    Pull the slide off and get the shipping oil off then a few drops or oil where needed.


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    May 23, 2008
    The Woodlands, TX
    The Bersa Thunder is a really good handgun for the money IMO. Ive had one for about 5 years and its always functioned reliably and is actually quite accurate. I carry Golden Sabers in mine when I carry it. It used to be my main CCW but was replaced by a XDSC40 which was then replaced by a Glock 19. I love my Bersa and still carry it in the summertime.
    For cleaning I just use what Ive always used. Hoppes and Miltec or FP10. I always carry IWB and make my own holsters so I cant make a suggestion there but there are a lot of good ones out there depending on your preferred method of carry. Congrats and enjoy your Bersa!

    Hobie Dog

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    Feb 24, 2008
    San Marcos, Texas
    .380 grips

    I've had a Bersa 380 for about 4 years. It was so stiff when I bought it that it would hardly fire without jamming. I could hardly load a clip because the spring was so tough. Sounds like I don't like it. Actually, it's one of my favorite little guns and a tremendous value for the buck. After I ran about 200 rounds through it she works perfectly. That should be minimum before using as CCW anyway.

    I highly recommend the wrap around grips. You won't believe the difference in handling.

    Great backup/glove box gun.


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    May 21, 2008
    I was FINALLY able to take my gun to the range today. Shot about 100 rounds of Winchester White Box, and it was mostly trouble free, with the exception of about 3 FTFs, which all seemed to happen with the last round in the mag. About the only thing that seemed odd about it is that it tends to shoot a bit below where I was aiming. Not sure if that's normal or not, but I'm not extremely experienced with shooting handguns.

    Also, loading the mag is pretty stiff and it really does not like taking that last round, but thankfully I have a loader on the way along with an extra factory mag. I may take it back out tomorrow and fire off another 50-100 rounds, although I think I'll need to give it a good cleaning first. Definitely a fun gun to shoot.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Load up your magazine and let it sit a few days to break in the mag.Mine did the same thing and I was told to do this.The problem cleared and the mag was easier to load afterwards.
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