"Black" National Anthem?

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  • chevydeerhunter

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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    Singer Opts for 'Black National Anthem' Over 'Star-Spangled Banner'

    Wednesday, July 02, 2008

    A jazz singer shocked some Denver residents after replacing the words to the national anthem with those of the "Black National Anthem" during the annual State of the City address this week.
    Rene Marie was asked to sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" before Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper delivered the annual address on Tuesday. Instead, she sang the lyrics of "Lift Every Voice and Sing" — a hymn commonly referred to as the "Black National Anthem" — to the tune of the national anthem, MyFOXColorado.com reported.
    "If anyone has got a right to be angry it's probably me," Hickenlooper told the station. "I guess what I feel most is just deeply disappointed."
    The mayor said only Marie, her husband and a musical adviser knew what the local jazz singer had in mind.
    "What she said was that she was very sorry, that she meant no disrespect, that she was trying to make a creative expression of her love for the country," Hickenlooper said.
    But the change in lyrics angered many residents, including City Councilman Charlie Brown.
    "I was mad," he told MyFOXColorado.com. "I almost walked off the stage."
    Brown said the matter needs to be addressed. "There is no substitute for the national anthem."



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    May 9, 2008
    North Zulch, TX
    How does a person feel they are showing their love for their country by singing something other than the Star-Spangled Banner when they were supposed to sing it. That's the most absurd reasoning for being a total douchebag I've ever heard. This stuff infuriates me and I'm going to have to stop now lest someone have to come in here and tell me to watch my language and to ease up.:mad:


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    Mar 5, 2008
    Went to check link for more info:
    This page is temporarily unavailable. Please check back later.

    Surely, it wouldn't be swept under the carpet. Must be some technical difficulty?


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    Jun 5, 2008
    Troy Tx
    Thats treason and she should be hung I am a patriot and would do anything for my country if you cant love her leave her and make room for people that will give our country the love and respect she deserves.


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    Jul 15, 2008
    Red River, Texas
    For the past 60 years, I have been hearing screams from Americans, whose only difference from me is that their skin is darker than mine, for EQUAL RIGHTS. O.K.--I am for that. Let's all be equal.

    But it seems every stage, opportunity, or chance African-Americans get, they exhibit separation, inequality, or division or polarization.

    I just don't fathom this.

    Why am I not referred to as a "Northern-European-American?" that's where my kin orignally came from. BUT I AM AN AMERICAN THRU AND THRU!

    I say to this "singer:" support, love, and cherish America. Sing her National Anthem the way it was written, or



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    Mar 4, 2008
    Despite years of education and multiple degrees, the only response I can make to her actions and explanation is:
    B U L L S H * * !!!

    Question: If Obama is elected President, will those lyrics be sung at his inauguration and become the "new" Star Spangled Banner?


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    May 24, 2008
    Despite years of education and multiple degrees, the only response I can make to her actions and explanation is:
    B U L L S H * * !!!

    Question: If Obama is elected President, will those lyrics be sung at his inauguration and become the "new" Star Spangled Banner?

    Well he is all about "Change" LMFAO


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    But it seems every stage, opportunity, or chance African-Americans get, they exhibit separation, inequality, or division or polarization.

    Be careful not to generalize. I've known plenty of people of African descent that are good people and that don't have that mentality of "everyone owes me". I think it can be more appropriately generalized that the "everyone owes me" mentality is a sign of ignorance and laziness rather than race. Unfortunately in the world, there are plenty of ignorant people of EVERY race that think everyone owes them something, is trying to take advantage of them, etc etc.

    You know, I have never experienced separation, inequality, division, etc etc. Yeah, I'm Scottish/Irish/Hispanic so I'm sure I don't "count". The point I'm getting at though is, my parents raised me well and taught me from a early age not to hate anyone. In fact, I don't think I even really thought about race being an "issue" until my late teens. I mean, anyone I happened to come across in life, deal with wherever at the store, renting a movie, etc etc...I never really saw color I just saw people. I'm not colorblind, I just never cared, never thought it was a "big deal". It's only since my late teens early 20's that I started learning more about the world, politics, science, etc that I've started to see and hear about those out there whining about many of these things. Honestly, I think if people would just shut the heck up about it, it would be much less of an issue. In addition to that, if people whined about it less, I'm sure their kids would grow up differently. By that I mean, maybe they wouldn't be poisoned by this "everyone is out to get me" mentality, and instead they would stop seeing color too and just focus on life. Wouldn't that be nice?

    The only prejudice I have is against ignorance. ;)


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    You know, I have never experienced separation, inequality, division, etc etc. Yeah, I'm Scottish/Irish/Hispanic so I'm sure I don't "count". The point I'm getting at though is, my parents raised me well and taught me from a early age not to hate anyone. In fact, I don't think I even really thought about race being an "issue" until my late teens. I mean, anyone I happened to come across in life, deal with wherever at the store, renting a movie, etc etc...I never really saw color I just saw people. I'm not colorblind, I just never cared, never thought it was a "big deal". It's only since my late teens early 20's that I started learning more about the world, politics, science, etc that I've started to see and hear about those out there whining about many of these things. Honestly, I think if people would just shut the heck up about it, it would be much less of an issue. In addition to that, if people whined about it less, I'm sure their kids would grow up differently. By that I mean, maybe they wouldn't be poisoned by this "everyone is out to get me" mentality, and instead they would stop seeing color too and just focus on life. Wouldn't that be nice?

    The difference is that your parents were taught acceptance and tolerance. In the South this isn't always the case due to history. My Grandfather went to a school for whites only, and grew up in a racially divided environment. Every city in the South, even today, has a socially and racially divided city. It's two folded, as you have the black kids and white kids growing up on two sides of the tracks.

    That kind of environment breeds division in your mindset. The only thing that washes that away is tearing down the barriers as the generations of children progress.

    The problem is that people like Jesse Jackson aren't new age. They grew up in the division, and now they seek to maintain that division for their personal gain. They WANT the struggle. They WANT the conflict. That is what gives them power. The media just THRIVES off of the racial environment so it pushes it along for it's own buck.

    I've been discriminated against, called racial slurs, singled out for being white, etc. but I could really care less. It hasn't hindered me at all because I don't let it.


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    Jul 19, 2008
    I wish someone in the crowd would have just stood up and started singing the Star Spangled Banner. Then maybe some of the lemmings would have joined in and drowned her out.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Sounds like a bad publicity stunt.Hope this ends her career but I bet it helps the singer gets rich by all the anti Americans who will support her.I am insulted and will pass the word not to get her albums since money seems to be the only way to hurt these ignorant people who should not be allowed to call themselves Americans.
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