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  • zembonez

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    Feb 22, 2008
    Republic of Texas
    Release the hounds!

    How about some good hunting stories to get this section started...



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    Feb 22, 2008
    Austin, TX
    The only real hunting story I have is a rather short one.

    The story starts when a few friends and I were out on my buddies ranch. We were hungry and searching the house for something to eat, when one of my friends says,"Check that deer out over there, between the two bushes". I look out the window and to my surprise there is a deer, right about 100 yards out next to a bush. I quietly cracked the back window of the house, giving me a good front rest for my rifle. The rifle was my Mosin 91/30, with a 203 grain soft point in the tube. I took aim for my favorite spot, the center of the neck right above the shoulder. It is a consistently good kill zone, assuming you hit the mark. I line the post in the grove, steady myself, and pull the trigger back. There is of course a loud noise that follows, accompanied by a deer falling instantly. I had a friend check out the gps he had, and it was a 95 yard shot, smack dab in the middle of the neck open sights. Since that day I have valued my Mosin over my other rifles, I've never missed with it, and it is by far one of the cheapest firearms I've owned.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Austin, TX
    I don't have any pics handy of him, but for the 2006 season, I took a tiny 8 point. His rack is about the size of your hands full open like a basket.

    Now let me explain folks!

    I had no choice in the matter. He WANTED to die. Again, let me explain before you jump on me!

    I am out in Palestine TX hunting around my uncle's place. We go out to a family friend's property to put out hay, mend a fence, find a cow with a broken leg, and given the chance shoot a buck that has been lurking there slickly avoiding a rifle bullet.

    We get done with all the work, and there he is, about 600 yards away at the edge of the far pasture. I grab my 30-30, and get on the stalk. I'm coming up through the woods between a couple of the pastures. Out of frakking nowhere comes this little buck. He was charging me! I duck out of the way, and he keeps at it. Finally after a minute or two of him annoying the crap out of me he either gets bored, or loses interest and goes on his merry way.

    I walk out into the back pasture where the big buck was headed, and start around the bottom of this big hill in the middle. I'll be d@mned if that little buck wasn't RIGHT in front of me, in the open, with nowhere for me to go. No cover, no concealment, and he is less than 25 yards from me. So I bare down and bust a cap in him. He drops about 10 yards from me, and has essentially ruined my hunt for the big guy.

    Happily I gut and quarter him. Lots of meat for a little guy, but I was still annoyed, so the next day I sat out in my uncle's pasture and destroyed 5 coyotes with a .270. That made me feel better.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Garland, TX
    This year I shot a 10 point Whitetail buck and a repectable 6 point Axis buck. Mature Axis bucks are almost always 6 points.
    My award winning, worlds best, 5 year old Grandson was with me when I shot the Axis buck:D.
    I hunt on a ranch out of Sonora, Texas that we have been leasing for the last 19 years. We like it there:cool:.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Republic of Texas
    This year I shot a 10 point Whitetail buck and a repectable 6 point Axis buck. Mature Axis bucks are almost always 6 points.
    My award winning, worlds best, 5 year old Grandson was with me when I shot the Axis buck:D.
    I hunt on a ranch out of Sonora, Texas that we have been leasing for the last 19 years. We like it there:cool:.

    Got a pic of the Axis? Those are getting really popular in Texas.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    2 years ago, a friend was at the ranch with us. He brought his wifes brand new, 2 week old truck out there. Well, he and my brother in-law go on a grocery run. They are heading down the ranch road when Rob sees a nice buck angled for a perfect shot. He stops the truck, gets out, takes aim across the hood through the scope and misses. He's normally a great shot.
    They proceed to the store. Upon returning to the truck, they notice that he actually laid the rifle on the hood and promptly shot through it and the front fender.


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    Mar 17, 2008
    Houston, TX.
    Shot this 7 pointer in Dec.'08. My best deer, ever. Saw a doe a few minutes earlier run behind my feeder (right at 100 yrds.). I brought my rifle (Win. 94AE 30-30) up and aimed right where the doe had just passed. As I brought my rifle back down into the stand, I notied him moving in the same path the doe had just gone through. All I saw were a nice set of antlers. I quickly put my rifle back up on the stand window and waited for him to walk into my cross hairs. His inside measurement was 14.25". We're going to the 13 inch rule next year. No way I would have been able to shoot this deer if we were in the 13 inch rule last year, unless he stopped and looked in my direction.

    My avatar is the Euro mount I did on this deer.

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