Coyote Hunting?

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  • Code3GT

    Active Member
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    Jun 12, 2008
    Anybody coyote hunt in the central texas area? I used to hunt quite a bit growing up in Indiana but havent heard of much around here. A guy at work was talking about as we were watching some pretty good youtube vids and he said he's got some up by Jonestown. I kindly offered to help him control his population


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    Jun 12, 2008
    A lot of counties/municipalities had/have a bounty on them b/c of the population problem and the havoc they wreak on livestock/pets. Guess they're not as prevalent around here.


    Bowling-Pin Commando
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    May 28, 2008
    Mustang Ridge
    If they are being a problem, shoot the problem animals. Just hunting predators for kicks is kinda lame IMO. The coyotes do a job. You want to shoot a predator that needs shooting, shoot pigs. Shoot as many as you can as often as you can. You actually do the land some good when you shoot pigs{as opposed to shooting coyotes and removing the carcass clean up crew}

    In my experience{ and I have been at this a while} coyotes rarely bother livestock.{the exception being sheep, they will literally just stand there and be eaten} An alpha Billy Goat is more than a match for 99% of coyote packs {once he leads the rest will attack the yotes} and as for cattle, Just does not happen very often. If you see yotes eating cows{even calves} something else usually killed it first. If you have calves or goats vanishing, you probably have a cat{cougar}


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    Feb 23, 2008
    If they are being a problem, shoot the problem animals. Just hunting predators for kicks is kinda lame IMO. The coyotes do a job. You want to shoot a predator that needs shooting, shoot pigs. Shoot as many as you can as often as you can. You actually do the land some good when you shoot pigs{as opposed to shooting coyotes and removing the carcass clean up crew}

    In my experience{ and I have been at this a while} coyotes rarely bother livestock.{the exception being sheep, they will literally just stand there and be eaten} An alpha Billy Goat is more than a match for 99% of coyote packs {once he leads the rest will attack the yotes} and as for cattle, Just does not happen very often. If you see yotes eating cows{even calves} something else usually killed it first. If you have calves or goats vanishing, you probably have a cat{cougar}
    Back home the coyotes were bad about getting dogs. We had them try several times to get our Australian shepherd mix, and he out weighs them by a good 20 pounds or so. He's a fighter though, can usually take on 2-4 at a time and come out on top.

    A couple also tried to go after my mom one morning while she was walking her 2 miles, but luckily she had Gomer (the dog) with her. He took off after them and chased them away.

    Needless to say, if I see em, and I have a gun with me, I shoot em. Back in high school we would go spotlight for them at least once a month. They got the mange a few years back and thinned out pretty well. Now that the pheasants are booming, they are starting to come back. Its a cycle.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    Where I live we used ot have quite a few as building was booming and we (the people) started encroaching on the coyotes turf. Of course cats and dogs would go missing as we'd seem them in neighborhoods. In that case, trap and relocate is in order, unless one or many pose an immediate threat, which is rarely the case.

    Where the population of coyotes has grown and they start moving into populated areas, I'm all for control.

    As many as there are a little further out now, and as many horse farms as there are, you never hear of coyotes attacking anything, but people still run donkeys with their horses.

    Kill for a reason but not for kicks.

    TJ Willy

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    Oct 27, 2008
    Wichita Falls
    I live in the outskirts of town, but still city proper. I live in a dead end cul-de-sac of a new(er) development meaning I have some open land behind me. I hear coyotes quite often back there. It is amazing they would come so close into town... Or maybe we are just infringing upon their territory....


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    I live in the outskirts of town, but still city proper. I live in a dead end cul-de-sac of a new(er) development meaning I have some open land behind me. I hear coyotes quite often back there. It is amazing they would come so close into town... Or maybe we are just infringing upon their territory....

    That's what our situation was. We used to be able to hear them pretty close in, but then again, at the time we were at the edge. I actually did hear some the other night but I know the sound was being carried pretty far. But still, they were pretty close in. I don't mind hearing them or knowing they're around. I just know not to temp them with food, like our Yorkie. :p

    We "can" all get along, as long as they don't get out of line.


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    Sep 28, 2008
    the only things i can see to feasibly set out and hunt are wild pigss and armadillos. hogs destroy the land and dillos dig holes that cattle can step in and break their legs (seen it first hand). cyotes are just what someone has already said, a "clean up crew." they rarely attack cattle and just occasionally attack pets. just lock ur pets up or something. cyotes give the environment a much more positive feedback than hogs or dillos.


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    Nov 17, 2008
    Kempner Texas
    Bull s_ _ T

    Coyotes are a clean up crew? A much more positive feed back than Disease carrying dillows and hogs.Tell that to the people that has lost pets,goats,sheep,that cost them millions of dollars a year in lost revenue.
    do you like to hunt deer?wonder why their is less each year?ask the poor coyote that hunts the fawn and kills it.a fawn will stay put where its mother places it making it a easy meal for quail?pheasant? so do they.notice a decline in them yet? how about rabies?when ever their is a large population of coyotes guess what increase your pet getting it.
    I have seen a good deer area go to hell because of these so called Innocent animals as some one stated.around 40 years ago Texas had a Hugh population problem,they solved it by using bait cyanide boxes.inhumane some might ask,not as inhumane as the huge out break of rabbits where they were herded and clubed to point is coyotes not only affect the food we eat,but the live stock and hunting sport we enjoy.


    Bowling-Pin Commando
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    May 28, 2008
    Mustang Ridge
    Coyotes are a clean up crew? A much more positive feed back than Disease carrying dillows and hogs.Tell that to the people that has lost pets,goats,sheep,that cost them millions of dollars a year in lost revenue.
    do you like to hunt deer?wonder why their is less each year?ask the poor coyote that hunts the fawn and kills it.a fawn will stay put where its mother places it making it a easy meal for quail?pheasant? so do they.notice a decline in them yet? how about rabies?when ever their is a large population of coyotes guess what increase your pet getting it.
    I have seen a good deer area go to hell because of these so called Innocent animals as some one stated.around 40 years ago Texas had a Hugh population problem,they solved it by using bait cyanide boxes.inhumane some might ask,not as inhumane as the huge out break of rabbits where they were herded and clubed to point is coyotes not only affect the food we eat,but the live stock and hunting sport we enjoy.

    Show just ONE source where coyotes cost millions per year. Just ONE. If you can not then please refrain from making uninformed statements.
    Texas Looks to Control Feral Hogs and Disease Potential - The Hog Blog - The Hog Hunting Blog

    here are a couple of good links to the destruction that pigs cause in Texas, including preying on fawns and livestock.,00.html?clipContentId=22684

    Furthermore, the quail population is declining due to fireants more than anything else. In areas with relatively few fireants you have an abundance of ground nesting birds. Pheasants are an introduced species and I could care less what happens to them. Eradicate all of them for all I care as all they do is compete with animals that belong here.


    TGT Addict
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    Nov 8, 2008
    South of San Antonio
    +1 to killing wild hogs...

    They reek havoc on alot of crops here in south Texas. MY buddy owns 600 acres of sod farm and gets hit nightly by the pig herds. WE go there regularly to help thin them out. Got 1 last night and 1 last week. I also use it as a good training environment for my 12 year old son to practice...he gets to kill an animal that needs killing and sees how important shot placement is and how an animal reacts when hit. Makes him a little less nervous when its deer time, and lets him prcatice safe gun handling in a hunting setting.
    He's getting pretty good. He got one last week with my Saiga and one last night with his 20 ga. Mossberg Youth model w/ a 1/2 ounce slug.
    If we could kill them nightly, it wouldn't slow them down a bit. We quite often see packs of 20-30 more than once a night.


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    Nov 17, 2008
    Kempner Texas

    Hoji .i seemed to hit a raw nerve with you.that was not my intention.
    yes i am well aware feral hogs cause destruction of land and crops,my rant was about coyotes and the economic loss to ranchers,and to the deer to you wanting me to show you one piece of truth that coyotes kills of stock run over a million a year.type in your search box,
    coyotes and coyote control management.a site will pop up called INTERNET center for wild life managment wild life you can see it has lots of info on the coyote.scroll down to economic of damage and you will se the loss is at least 18 million a year and that was over twenty years ago.
    I do not put misleading info up with out any facts to back it as you seem to have stated.I hope this solves the problem between our two different beliefs.


    TGT Addict
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    Nov 8, 2008
    South of San Antonio
    Hoji .i seemed to hit a raw nerve with you.that was not my intention.
    yes i am well aware feral hogs cause destruction of land and crops,my rant was about coyotes and the economic loss to ranchers,and to the deer to you wanting me to show you one piece of truth that coyotes kills of stock run over a million a year.type in your search box,
    coyotes and coyote control management.a site will pop up called INTERNET center for wild life managment wild life you can see it has lots of info on the coyote.scroll down to economic of damage and you will se the loss is at least 18 million a year and that was over twenty years ago.
    I do not put misleading info up with out any facts to back it as you seem to have stated.I hope this solves the problem between our two different beliefs.



    Bowling-Pin Commando
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    May 28, 2008
    Mustang Ridge
    Hoji .i seemed to hit a raw nerve with you.that was not my intention.
    yes i am well aware feral hogs cause destruction of land and crops,my rant was about coyotes and the economic loss to ranchers,and to the deer to you wanting me to show you one piece of truth that coyotes kills of stock run over a million a year.type in your search box,
    coyotes and coyote control management.a site will pop up called INTERNET center for wild life managment wild life you can see it has lots of info on the coyote.scroll down to economic of damage and you will se the loss is at least 18 million a year and that was over twenty years ago.
    I do not put misleading info up with out any facts to back it as you seem to have stated.I hope this solves the problem between our two different beliefs.

    Coyote do not do much damage to deer populations. Their main diet is rodents and rabbits. They will take some injured deer and will get sheep, but do NOWHERE near what you claim. I have posted links, I am a ranger for an endangered species preserve and see first hand how much impact coyotes have on wild game such as deer, and the answer is none at all.

    I cull deer on property that has dozens of coyotes, many times within an hour of the coyotes coming to a feeder.

    If you are having issues with coyotes in your neighborhood, quit feeding your pets outside and leaving the food out,and bring your pets inside.

    If you have a ranch and sheep or other small livestock, get a Great Pyrenees,or a donkey, coyote problem solved. All of the data I have read shows that a minimal effort on the ranchers and home owners part will eliminate any "problem" with coyotes.

    As to your silly claim that the deer population in Texas is suffering because of coyotes......well that is just inane. Texas STILL has one of {if not the} highest deer populations in the country.

    Good day.
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