Dallas Museum of Art

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  • jmsfmtex

    New Member
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    Aug 11, 2008
    I will be attending the Tutankhamun & Golden Age of Pharaohs - King Tut exhibit while it is showing at the Dallas Museum of Art. I was concerned about carrying and being stopped at the door. I would have hated to drive the distance and pay the money only to be turned away. I know they are highly concerned about cameras and electronics. So I was interested in whether or not they had metal detectors, bag searches, wands... So I wrote them an e-mail to inquire if I would be allowed to carry concealed inside the exhibit. This is a portion of what I just received from their public relations department.

    "No, you will not be refused entrance to the Museum or the King Tut
    exhibition as a licensed carrier of a firearm."

    I was a little shocked, and at the same time, estatic. I actually did not think they would allow CC in the museum.

    Just thought I would let you know this in case anyone is going to the museum.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Guess they have different policies.When they were here I could not carry my weapon as the musuem in my town had the no weapons allowed sticker posted.


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    May 6, 2008
    Bastrop, TX
    Tut exhibit

    My wife and I have tickets for 9:30 sat oct 4th can't wait to see what they sent as I spent my 50th birthday in egypt. May be I'll see some of you there.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    I will be attending the Tutankhamun & Golden Age of Pharaohs - King Tut exhibit while it is showing at the Dallas Museum of Art. I was concerned about carrying and being stopped at the door. I would have hated to drive the distance and pay the money only to be turned away. I know they are highly concerned about cameras and electronics. So I was interested in whether or not they had metal detectors, bag searches, wands... So I wrote them an e-mail to inquire if I would be allowed to carry concealed inside the exhibit. This is a portion of what I just received from their public relations department.

    "No, you will not be refused entrance to the Museum or the King Tut
    exhibition as a licensed carrier of a firearm."

    I was a little shocked, and at the same time, estatic. I actually did not think they would allow CC in the museum.

    Just thought I would let you know this in case anyone is going to the museum.

    I'm not surprised since there's no prohibition by law and they don't really have a reason to (but then again, most 30.06 posted placed don't either). What is surprising is that they'd put it in writing in the response. That's a good sign.

    Guess they have different policies.When they were here I could not carry my weapon as the musuem in my town had the no weapons allowed sticker posted.

    30.06 posted or just something like the little red circle no gun signs? If the later, you're not prohibited from carrying legally.
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