Dan wesson 357 barrel threads

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  • professional01

    New Member
    Jan 31, 2009
    Does anyone know what the thread size is, on the Dan Wesson barrels ? I need to buy a die to clean up some threads. I am having trouble finding the size with the the thread guages I have. Any help would be appreciated.


    Active Member
    Apr 23, 2008
    I dont know the thread size but, have you took it to a gunsmith to see if he can help or tell you? Also there aint nothing wrong with Wisconsin other than it is a little north of Dallas, its still in the USA.:patriot:

    Army 1911

    TGT Addict
    Mar 17, 2008
    Dallas Texas or so
    I would imagine that it is a non-standard thread that you won't find a die for at most stores. Threads on 1911 grip bushings are that way. You might contact a gunsmith named Dave Severns at Severns customs... I think that is the name of his shop. He is a big wesson auto fan. Also the guy at Fusion Firearms was the founder of Dan Wesson. His name is Serva.


    New Member
    Jan 31, 2009
    When in doubt call dan wesson, the thread size is 7/32-40. And the taps and dies can be bougt from Brownells or MSC. Thankyou for the feedback I did get.
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