DC Denies Gun App From Man Who Brought Suit

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  • ducksps

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    Mar 3, 2008
    Austin, Houston
    DC Rejects Handgun Application

    Posted By: 9NEWS NOW
    Date last updated: 7/17/2008 11:20:44 AM
    Man who brought lawsuit against the District says his application for a seven-clip semi-automatic weapon was turned down.
    WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- District residents can start registering their guns today. But at least one very high profile application was already rejected.
    Dick Heller is the man who brought the lawsuit against the District's 32-year-old ban on handguns. He was among the first in line Thursday morning to apply for a handgun permit.
    But when he tried to register his semi-automatic weapon, he says he was rejected. He says his gun has seven bullet clip. Heller says the City Council legislation allows weapons with fewer than eleven bullets in the clip. A spokesman for the DC Police says the gun was a bottom-loading weapon, and according to their interpretation, all bottom-loading guns are outlawed because they are grouped with machine guns.
    Besides obtaining paperwork to buy new handguns, residents also can register firearms they've had illegally under a 180-day amnesty period.
    Though residents will be allowed to begin applying for handgun permits, city officials have said the entire process could take weeks or months.


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    Jul 15, 2008
    Red River, Texas
    ....as usual...the gun-grabbers say:

    1) if the law bans your gun, "IT IS THE LAW," and you gotta OBEY without question. nothing more to be said.

    IF, on the other hand, the US Supreme Court rules against you, well then...

    2) hang you hat on some tittle or jot or sub-microscopic "point of law" in a failed attempt to still cling to your original, illegal law.

    ...we have seen this before..SOP for ACLU. they want it both ways.

    kindly note, that just like TERMITES they want to rot the house from the inside out, hiding behind "interpretations," and "definitions," and "what does "the" actually mean."

    ...anybody got any RAID, or BLACKFLAG bug juice?


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    Mar 4, 2008
    I'm thinking that the 180 day amnesty will get a lot of people in trouble.Sounds like a trap.Cannot believe the 1911 is in the machine gun category.What a bunch of idiots.Glad I live in Texas.
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