DC Seals Off Neighborhoods

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  • carneyman

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    Feb 23, 2008

    WASHINGTON (Map, News) -
    D.C. police will seal off entire neighborhoods, set up checkpoints and kick out strangers under a new program that D.C. officials hope will help them rescue the city from its out-of-control violence. Under an executive order expected to be announced today, police Chief Cathy L. Lanier will have the authority to designate “Neighborhood Safety Zones.” At least six officers will man cordons around those zones and demand identification from people coming in and out of them. Anyone who doesn’t live there, work there or have “legitimate reason” to be there will be sent away or face arrest, documents obtained by The Examiner show.
    Lanier has been struggling to reverse D.C.’s spiraling crime rate but has been forced by public outcry to scale back several initiatives including her “All Hands on Deck” weekends and plans for warrantless, door-to-door searches for drugs and guns.
    Under today’s proposal, the no-go zones will last up to 10 days, according to internal police documents. Front-line officers are already being signed up for training on running the blue curtains.

    Peter Nickles, the city’s interim attorney general, said the quarantine would have “a narrow focus.”
    “This is a very targeted program that has been used in other cities,” Nickles told The Examiner. “I’m not worried about the constitutionality of it.”
    Others are. Kristopher Baumann, chairman of the D.C. police union and a former lawyer, called the checkpoint proposal “breathtaking.”
    Shelley Broderick, president of the D.C.-area American Civil Liberties Union and the dean of the University of the District of Columbia’s law school, said the plan was “cockamamie.”
    “I think they tried this in Russia and it failed,” she said. “It’s just our experience in this city that we always end up targeting poor people and people of color, and we treat the kids coming home from choir practice the same as we treat those kids who are selling drugs.”
    The proposal has the provisional support of D.C. Councilman Harry “Tommy” Thomas, D-Ward 5, whose ward has become a war zone.
    “They’re really going to crack down on what we believe to be a systemic problem with open-air drug markets,” Thomas told The Examiner.
    Thomas said, though, that he worried about D.C. “moving towards a police state.”


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    Mar 19, 2008
    Hay it worked in the 30's Hitler took away all the guns for the good and safety of the people put up road blocks arested the people he deemed unfit and the rest is history.
    and this time there is no country across the sea with the will to stop it


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    F*ckin sh*t. Have people in this country learned absolutely f*ck all from history. Please excuse the profanity but, the mindless liberalism these days is driving me absolutely insane. Maybe people in DC should try reading a damn history book about back around the WWI era when Woodrow Wilson was in office. Then maybe they should compare that time period to Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Fascist Italy, and then they might realize the shocking reality. It's strange how we have all these guns here in Texas and most comparable-sized cities here have a drastically lower violent crime rate. On average Austin is typically a 40-60% lower violent crime rate compared to DC most years, and Austin has more residents too.

    This country has already lost far too much as far as Constitutional rights go. Hell, most people in office these days (including the Supreme Court) seem to think either the Constitution is irrelevant these days or they just aren't willing to stand up for it. How the F*CK did we get to this point?! God, I'm angry now.

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