Does this make sense?

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  • LHB1

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    Mar 4, 2008
    I have a Wilson Professional 4" 1911 on order. Even though the pistol has not yet been made, I have already ordered a set of Cocobolo grips from Esmeralda for it. Also have ordered a belt from Lou Alessi (expected delivery 6 months), a holster from Tony Kanaley (expected delivery 5-6 months), and am considering ordering a second holster from Tony. Two holsters for the same pistol that I haven't even handled yet. Have I gone over the edge or does it make sense to other 1911 owners?


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Sounds like your getting ready for your new baby to get home.I know how you feel.I am waiting for my Nighthawk T3.

    Austin Cowart

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    Mar 5, 2008
    Lumberton Texas
    who are we

    to judge another gun owner for getting excited about his new custom baby that hasnt even been delivered! Expecting mothers buy weeks and weeks worth of baby clothing and 50 dollar shoes for a kid that isnt here yet and better yet wont even be able to walk for a good long while after that so get excited and buy your baby whatever you think it will like. If I had the money you bet I would be.

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    Feb 29, 2008
    Near Rio Vista, Texas
    I have a Wilson Professional 4" 1911 on order. Even though the pistol has not yet been made, I have already ordered a set of Cocobolo grips from Esmeralda for it. Also have ordered a belt from Lou Alessi (expected delivery 6 months), a holster from Tony Kanaley (expected delivery 5-6 months), and am considering ordering a second holster from Tony. Two holsters for the same pistol that I haven't even handled yet. Have I gone over the edge or does it make sense to other 1911 owners?
    Insofar as the belt and holsters take so long to be made and delivered, it is much better to order them now, rather than wait. You'll hopefully have them when the pistol arrives. Makes perfect sense to me!:)

    N-frame Smith

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    Mar 6, 2008

    The only thing that doesn't make sense is that you're just ordering a belt from Lou and not a holster too.:eek:

    Which holster have you ordered from Sparks and which other one are you considering?


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    Mar 4, 2008
    LHB1, The only thing that doesn't make sense is that you're just ordering a belt from Lou and not a holster too.:eek:
    Which holster have you ordered from Sparks and which other one are you considering?

    Not to worry. I have one of friend Lou's holsters already for a 5" gun and several of his belts. I wear an Alessi belt every day but I like Tony's 55BN holster for OWB wear and #1 Heritage for IWB. I have ordered another #1 Heritage for the new 4" Wilson and am considering adding an HR-LTD holster to the order. Both the latter holsters are lined with smooth leather which I really prefer. So far, I prefer the narrow belt space occupied by the #1 Heritage and Lou's PCH over the wider type holsters like VM2 and HR-LTD.


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    Mar 24, 2008
    Lufkin, Texas
    I have a Wilson Professional 4" 1911 on order. Even though the pistol has not yet been made, I have already ordered a set of Cocobolo grips from Esmeralda for it. Also have ordered a belt from Lou Alessi (expected delivery 6 months), a holster from Tony Kanaley (expected delivery 5-6 months), and am considering ordering a second holster from Tony. Two holsters for the same pistol that I haven't even handled yet. Have I gone over the edge or does it make sense to other 1911 owners?

    Makes perfect sence to me. If you waited til you got the gun to order the holster you would be holding it & looking at it instead of carying it.
    Makes perfect sence to me.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Well I got the new Cocobolo grips from Esmeralda. Good thing I got them early. They turned out to be much more red/orange than they appeared on my monitor. I prefer a red/mahogany shade so have stripped the finish, sanded them lightly, applied some Walnut stain to darken the wood, and applied a first coat of Casey's TruOil. Cocobolo has so much inherent oil that it can take several days for the first coat of TruOil to dry. The grips look much better already and will be ready to install on the Wilson pistol whenever they deliver it. Hope they haven't been slowed down by the recent floods in that area of ARK.


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    Mar 13, 2008
    South Central Texas
    Knowing you have such a fine weapon headed your way, you are just experiencing the flood of pride that goes along with it. I did the same with my VM2 from Tony, before my Professional arrived, but left the grips alone. I really like the way they feel. Since I had the Don Hume double mag pouch, I did not order one from Tony.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Hey Tex,
    That is a very nice looking pistol and holster. Makes me want my new Professional and Sparks Heritage holster even more. How does your gun shoot: accuracy, reliability? What do you shoot, LSWC, jacketed HP, etc?
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