Evil pitbull dog

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  • willypete

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    Nov 15, 2008
    I have wanted a pitbull for a while now but with all the stuff on the news and the pitbull bans going on across the the U.S. it might be more trouble than its worth ..... so whats yalls thought on pitbulls as far as dogs go anyway .........................



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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    Like anything, it's all up to the owner. My neighbors have two pitbulls that are awesome dogs. They listen well, and they are not aggressive. They are just like any other dog.

    If you are willing to train them, then go get one.


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    Nov 3, 2008
    Mansfield, TX
    I have one and she's like a child to me. Their temperment is better than a lab they just get a bad rap because of the media and people who choose to exploit their loyalty, strength, and determination to please their owner. These dogs are very determined to please their owner and will just as soon die trying to do something for them rather then come back with a task not accomplished. To sum it up, **** the media and anyone who fights them and gives them a bad name, I wouldn't give mine up for the world.


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    Mar 5, 2008
    Mesquite, TX


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    Jul 29, 2008
    My sister has one that is close to a year old give or take and he is a BIG baby. My sister did a petsmart type dog training class with him and he obeys basic commands, other than that she didnt follow through with any additional training. He is a wild child though. Walk in the house and he will knock you down out of excitement and lick you all over. He actually bounces in one spot. She has a 6 yo and I have a 5yo daughter and I was fearful of my kiddo going over there at first but I have learned the kids get him all worked up and excited and he plays with them. I am one that hates being jumped on and he has learned that he cannot jump on me, now he just comes up and licks my hand until I give him attention.

    My mind was changed completely, I thought it was a big mistake to get him. It is not a breed I would personally own, my dream dog is a great dane.


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    Nov 22, 2008
    Red River Way
    According to my AKC dog book they are by nature one of the more docile breed by nature. Also studdies have shown more people get bit by dalmations than pits. Had friend who had one and she was great I my self have two Rhodesian Ridgebacks and other than my friends don't have any experiance with them.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    If they're from similarly healthy environments, I'm more concerned with a poodle attacking me than a pit bull.

    The problem is the owners. Pit bulls can do much more damage, much quicker that just about any other dog. They can kill someone while playing, while a poodle has to get more violent. It's simple strength and ability. As most all dogs, they need attention and exercise both of which most don't get enough of.

    My sister also had one years ago. I'll try to post a pick of how bad he was. She ended up having to have him put down. The problem was her life was busy and after time, the dog wasn't getting the same attention he was and even being given a very large yard to burn off energy in, he became overly energetic and although never bit or actually attacked with violence, he was going after people and the risk was too great. He knocked a mail carrier down 2 times, never bit, but the liability was huge. He could launch from sitting in front of me and make it over my head with a force that would have threw me 5 feet. But he was a very sweet dog. It was scary as hell, but I'd take a water hose and spray it out away for me and he'd jump and snap the water stream. Seeing the meat in his jaws and hear the "snap" as he slammed his mouth shut was awesome. I was always worried he'd get too close and I'd loose a hand.

    These are a couple from the early 80's that I scanned from when he was still a pup! He was a small pit that I don't think ever got more than 60#'s.




    Bowling-Pin Commando
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    May 28, 2008
    Mustang Ridge
    My avatar and screen name are for our first dog{ as a married couple} Found him when he was about 3 months old and had him for 9 years before we had to put him down due to cancer.He was quite possibly the best dog either of us have.

    We have another one who is going to be 11 this year and he too is an absolute sweetheart.

    They are hardheadded, but if you stay on top of the training and socialize them, they are awesome dogs.


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    May 6, 2008
    Out here by the lake!
    I've been around both true pit dogs & pit bulls that are family pets and find them no worse then other dogs. Would I own one living in Houston very simply no. And pit bulls are not the only breed that's looked down on. My first Australian Shepherd was every bit as fierce as most pit dogs, but never given the bad press that pits get.


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    Oct 19, 2008
    "Evil pitbull dog" = "Evil large caliber gun"

    "Evil" is the intent with which you work the tool, not the tool itself.

    I'm not sure I follow...I've never heard of a large caliber gun breaking into an old man's house and killing him all by himself. Or even a pack of large caliber guns. With or without the best training, the gun isn't going to do it by itself.

    Pit bulls seem a little bit like Islam to me. If you have a religion that is so easily misinterpreted to do evil to others, does that make it a bad religion? If you have an animal that can so easily do evil if not trained properly does that make it a bad animal? Maybe it is the prevalence of the breed of dog here in Texas that increases the probability that some are going to be raised badly and then go do harm. But from the sheer number of fatalities they caused here in Texas alone last year, it would seem that the dog has a certain tendency towards bad. You never hear of a labrador violently killing woman as she mows her grass, or breaking in to old man's house and killing him when he sleeps.

    It does sound like ya'll have had good experiences with them and raised them properly. I have not read or heard that they have a tendency to also turn on their owners. Has this ever also been the case, or do they just get loose and kill other people and animals?


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    Mar 5, 2008
    Far, far, far North Dallas
    Unfortunately in my world they are a cash crop for many and a general hazard to my health. I have been around several that were the biggest babies you have ever seen. I also lost what Workman's Comp considered a 3% amputation of my right thumb to one.:mad:

    My incident was mainly the fault of the owner and his charges. Granny was fighting with the grand kids when I roll up on a service call. I tell her I am going in the back yard. She says OK but neglects to tell me there is a 70 pound pit chained in the back yard. Long story short I invaded the dogs territory without knowing he was there. The dog was trained to hunt hogs and was by nature very aggressive. He never barked or growled, he just attacked. The rattle of the chain was the only thing that saved me.

    I put this one on the owner. Had I known the dog was there everything would have been different.


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    Mar 29, 2008
    north houston
    I blame rap music for the bad rep. Look at any CD cover of any rap "artist". You will see 3 things that any aspiring rapper wants. #1 Lots of jewelry. #2 a nice car. #3 at least one pit bull. Now I ask, what is the easiest and cheapest of these 3 items to attain? Thats right, the Pit Bull. Drive through any hazardous area of Houston and you will see these and other breeds of dogs jogging up and down the street because they are neglected and often just set loose when the owner decides he can no longer give the dog or dogs the attention they need. Then the dog nips at somebody and the next thing you know Channel 11 is reporting on the " deadly pack" of Pit's terrorizing this low income area. When reporting some of these "sensational" attacks, many times the dog doing the biting was in fact a Rott or some other working class dog, but the reporter's ALWAYS say it was a Pit and there is NEVER a retraction of the story. The Pit Bull is much like the NRA in the news, often reported on and never anything positive. I personally have owned 3 Pit's. The latest is Roxy, a big ol' hunk of beef weighing in at 85 lbs. She thinks she is a baby and is always looking for someone to snuggle up to. Doesn't care who it is for the most part, she just is in search of a warm lap. I have rescued 2 and got Roxy as a pup. They have been the best companions one could ask for. BUT, they must be exercised on a regular basis (daily walks) or else you can look forward to poopy floors and chewed up furniture. Good luck and join us in our frowned upon group of Pit Bull Owners giving the single finger salute to those who hate our dogs! (most of them hate our guns too)


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    Nov 15, 2008
    This is not the responce that i was exspecting to get on this subject . I have asked this same question in different forums and for the most part people have a hate for the AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER that they dont have a reason for .... I have owned pit dogs for about 15 years and i have put a lot of miles on the road showing and competeing with these dogs in different sports .. and i have ran into more problems over the type of dog they are instead of the deeds that they have done .... I have raised 2 kids 9 and 10 years old with a yard of more than 30 dogs at a time and never has one of my dogs bitten a kid .. I loved the compareing of the large caliber weapon to these dogs because it is the same thing ... If not properly contained and handled by someone that has some common sence then the dog is deadly .... I will also be the first to say its not how you raise a dog but its how you breed them with the proper breeding of the APBT you should have a dog with little chance of being a man eater ... I have hunted with dogs since i was a kid and it worries me to think that my kids will most likely not have that right do to the animal rights activeist like the HSUS .. Its a huge fight in Texas this year to stop the BSL trying to be pushed on us pet owners the crazy thing is the BSL does not only effect the pitbull in most places were BSL has been passed it never stops with pits it allways moves into the guardian breeds next ........... if anyone is has a pit and is interested it keeping them from being outlawed go here for more imfo www.lsspbc.com ... and by the way i have a cusin that has scars on the back of his haed neck and upper back from a LAB that attacked him ond i have spent a large part of my life with working dogs so ill say that all dogs can and will bite people if they have a want to ........ willypete


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    Nov 8, 2008
    I have had 3 so far and I agree they all had these things in common "loyalty, strength, and determination to please their owner". They are really big lap dogs for the most part. They like any other dog can create a big liability issue. As far as evil goes, its caused by bad parenting.
    I have one thats 5yrs old along with a 7yr old begal and 18week blue heeler pup (aussie cattle dog) they all share the same yard, house and food with out issues.


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    Oct 19, 2008
    I blame rap music for the bad rep. Look at any CD cover of any rap "artist". You will see 3 things that any aspiring rapper wants. #1 Lots of jewelry. #2 a nice car. #3 at least one pit bull. Now I ask, what is the easiest and cheapest of these 3 items to attain? Thats right, the Pit Bull. Drive through any hazardous area of Houston and you will see these and other breeds of dogs jogging up and down the street because they are neglected and often just set loose when the owner decides he can no longer give the dog or dogs the attention they need. Then the dog nips at somebody and the next thing you know Channel 11 is reporting on the " deadly pack" of Pit's terrorizing this low income area. When reporting some of these "sensational" attacks, many times the dog doing the biting was in fact a Rott or some other working class dog, but the reporter's ALWAYS say it was a Pit and there is NEVER a retraction of the story. The Pit Bull is much like the NRA in the news, often reported on and never anything positive. I personally have owned 3 Pit's. The latest is Roxy, a big ol' hunk of beef weighing in at 85 lbs. She thinks she is a baby and is always looking for someone to snuggle up to. Doesn't care who it is for the most part, she just is in search of a warm lap. I have rescued 2 and got Roxy as a pup. They have been the best companions one could ask for. BUT, they must be exercised on a regular basis (daily walks) or else you can look forward to poopy floors and chewed up furniture. Good luck and join us in our frowned upon group of Pit Bull Owners giving the single finger salute to those who hate our dogs! (most of them hate our guns too)

    I'm not sure if it is #1 or #2 but you really missed the ho's on the cover of those CD covers and especially the videos. They would be there way before a pit bull would be on the cover!

    Why is it that police don't use pit bulls instead of the other wide range of breeds that they use if they are such great dogs? My cousin (LEO) was attacked by his partner's German shepherd when a pile of boxes fell over on his partner. Dog apparently thought it was my cousin's fault. Grabbed ahold of his elbow and tried to tear it off, but DIDN'T KILL HIM!!!

    Don't try and lump people that think logically about one and ONLY ONE breed of dog into the same group of people that hate our guns!!!

    Why haven't you pit bull owners spear-headed the initiative to give the death penalty to the pit bull owners whose dogs murder people??? The pit bull owners whose dogs murder people get off so lightly it makes me want to throw up. So you can begin to understand why people just want to ban the breed of dog since NO ONE gets in trouble when the dog is raised poorly. When you see those stories on the news all you do is sigh collectively and say "that sucks, the owner should have raised the dog better" and move on with your lives. Too bad the dead person's loved ones can't assume the same perspective...


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    Nov 15, 2008
    Why is it that police don't use pit bulls instead of the other wide range of breeds that they use if they are such great dogs?

    they do... they make great drug dogs wich is what i am trying to do right now...

    Why haven't you pit bull owners spear-headed the initiative to give the death penalty to the pit bull owners whose dogs murder people???

    today if your dog hurts someone it can be a felony that can land you in prison for a long time.....

    Don't try and lump people that think logically about one and ONLY ONE breed of dog into the same group of people that hate our guns!!!
    Fact is they are the same it has nothing and i meen NOTHING to do with whats more deadly ... thinking logically is far from the truth do you know that a child is 480 times more likely to die at the hands of a family member than a dog and are you trying to ban mommas and daddys too .. What do you know about dogs or are you just another person that is going by what you have heard or seen on TV ? In my club we have search and rescue pit bull that puts all the shepherds to shame when all the other dogs are tired and puss out he is still hard on the search..

    The pit bull owners whose dogs murder people get off so lightly it makes me want to throw up. So you can begin to understand why people just want to ban the breed of dog since NO ONE gets in trouble when the dog is raised poorly. When you see those stories on the news all you do is sigh collectively and say "that sucks, the owner should have raised the dog better" and move on with your lives. Too bad the dead person's loved ones can't assume the same perspective...

    every thing in your last statement can be said about hand guns and swimming pools kids getting ran over in there own driveway i would only hope you are smart enough to see that ...... if only the people would have locked the gun up or fenced off the swimming pool if only they would have taken a bit of time to look behind the car first ... if the dog is properly handled then there will be no problem the problem is that people treat dogs like they are people and dogs are not moral ..

    you can take what ever side you want i dont care but when its your rights being attacked i will not defend any mans liberties that will not return the same effort .........


    Bowling-Pin Commando
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    May 28, 2008
    Mustang Ridge
    I'm not sure if it is #1 or #2 but you really missed the ho's on the cover of those CD covers and especially the videos. They would be there way before a pit bull would be on the cover!

    Why is it that police don't use pit bulls instead of the other wide range of breeds that they use if they are such great dogs? My cousin (LEO) was attacked by his partner's German shepherd when a pile of boxes fell over on his partner. Dog apparently thought it was my cousin's fault. Grabbed ahold of his elbow and tried to tear it off, but DIDN'T KILL HIM!!!

    Don't try and lump people that think logically about one and ONLY ONE breed of dog into the same group of people that hate our guns!!!

    Why haven't you pit bull owners spear-headed the initiative to give the death penalty to the pit bull owners whose dogs murder people??? The pit bull owners whose dogs murder people get off so lightly it makes me want to throw up. So you can begin to understand why people just want to ban the breed of dog since NO ONE gets in trouble when the dog is raised poorly. When you see those stories on the news all you do is sigh collectively and say "that sucks, the owner should have raised the dog better" and move on with your lives. Too bad the dead person's loved ones can't assume the same perspective...

    The Washington State Police use them all the time. Most of them are rescue dogs.

    Dogs do not murder people, anymore than guns do. If someone uses their dog to kill then they would be eligible for the death penealty.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    EDITED OUT---a bunch of confusing stuff or evidence of multi-personality....

    I think you were responding directly to someone? If that's the case, if you hit the "Quote" button in their thread, it'll quote them so we'll know you were responding directly and what you're responding to.
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