Feminist Liberals

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  • Texas1911

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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    "We have our first serious female presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton," said Fey. "And yet women have come so far as feminists that they don't feel obligated to vote for a candidate just because she is a woman. Women today feel perfectly free to make whatever choice Oprah tells them to."

    - Excerpt from the Los Angeles Times Website.

    I do believe these are the most misguided people on this planet.

    While feminism is fine as a movement and I support the rights of women, I cannot help but wonder how mentally damaged the so-called "leaders" of this movement are. The quote above comes from Tina Fey, an ex-member of the SNL staff, and has been reinforced, albeit with more guised tact, by other feminist "leaders".

    How exactly deficient does your brain cell count have to be that voting for someone to be President simply because they are a woman sounds like a logical idea? Do they somehow think this is going to overthrow societal roles? Are men suddenly going to grow breasts to feed our nations young?

    This is absolutely ridiculous. These "social leaders" are doing no good for their believed cause. They are only giving excuses, and poor direction to those malformed enough to believe them. It's the same as Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton whom seek to drive a wedge between communities for the sake of empowering themselves. All it does is destroy the work of better leaders before them.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Preaching to the choir. :) All we can do is our best to educate people on the facts and the truth. You can't really force anyone to change their mind. I say do your best to educate people and hope it is enough, but ultimately and unfortunately some people will remain ignorant of their own volition.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Republic of Texas
    They let women vote?

    "We have our first serious female presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton," said Fey. "And yet women have come so far as feminists that they don't feel obligated to vote for a candidate just because she is a woman. Women today feel perfectly free to make whatever choice Oprah tells them to."

    I know we have some militant feminists in this country but I believe this to be a joke. The sad fact is that it is probably also true. Thankfully there are many women that have a mind of their own. I don't personally know any that are extreme feminists. In fact most are registered Republicans.


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    Mar 3, 2008
    Ft. Hood, TX
    Women today feel perfectly free to make whatever choice Oprah tells them to."

    I think that is the punchline. Hardcore, militant feminists are exceedingly rare nowadays. Least in MY experience. But, I would hope that as a feminist, they would be intelligent enough to do the research for themselves and would/could see that Clinton is NOT a good choice for America.:eek:
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