FL man threatens to re-enact V-Tech style

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  • Madhouse

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    Mar 17, 2008
    Tomball, TX

    MIAMI, Florida (AP) -- A 20-year-old with a weapons cache that included four AK-47s was arrested after threatening over the Internet to undertake a Virginia Tech-style massacre, authorities said Thursday.
    Calin Chi Wong threatened to re-enact the Virginia Tech massacre, according to authorities.


    Oregon authorities learned of a March 25 Internet message allegedly posted by Calin Chi Wong in which he threatened to re-enact the Virginia Tech killings. Two days later, Homestead Police searched the home Wong shares with his parents and found the weapons in stacked on shelves in plain view, Detective Antonio Aquino said.
    Wong had 13 firearms in all, more than 5,000 rounds of ammunition, some that could pierce armor, and 100 rounds in a feeding clip with bullets "meant to take down aircraft or military machinery," Aquino said. He had hidden two AK-47s in his parents' closet, and his parents said the guns did not belong to them, Aquino said.
    Wong was charged with making written threats to kill or do bodily injury via the computer and bonded out for $7,500. Additional charges are pending, he said.
    It was not known whether he had a lawyer. A message left by The Associated Press at a phone number listed for Wong was not immediately returned Thursday evening. The phone at his employer, China King, rang unanswered.
    Homestead Police first noticed Wong when he went to the department in February to complain he had been robbed of $800 over the Internet after he ordered a gun online using his father's PayPal account.
    He told authorities he had called the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and other agencies about the issue. Aquino said Wong finally reached a boiling point when he posted the message saying he would re-enact the Virginia Tech massacre, in which student Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people last year before turning the gun on himself.
    "After speaking to him and seeing his frustration, I believe that he had the potential to carry out some kind of threat," Aquino said.
    Wong felt isolated and cut off, authorities noted, saying he had been buying and selling guns for about two years and word was now getting around about Wong's age. Dealers stopped selling to him, and he was being banned from certain gun-sale Web sites.
    "I'm soon to the point to re-enact the whole event," Wong wrote under the name "thehumanabc," referring to the shootings last April at Virginia Tech. "This may not seem like a threat to you, but I'm sure others don't want to see it occur again. It should be a wake up call for All haters out there," according to an arrest report.
    Aquino said Wong told police that making the threat made him feel good because after "he had thousands of people on the Internet paying attention to him."
    But Wong also said he was just upset and frustrated and never actually planned a killing spree, Aquino said.
    But authorities also found a school book bag lined with bulletproof vests inside Wong's home, as well as two handguns.
    Wong is not in college, Aquino said. He graduated from an Oregon high school and attended a college for a year before moving in with his parents in Florida, authorities said.
    Wong said the weapons were an investment.
    "He says it's a lucrative business," Aquino said. "He said if Hillary Clinton wins, she'll put a ban on assault rifles, and these assault rifles will be worth more in value."E-mail to a friend

    Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Hmm, my cousin and I just went to Red's today and put 30rds through my Century Arms AK. My AK must be well trained or something because, it just does not act like it wants to leap out of my hands and shoot up a school yard. I feel sorry for those people that own the evil ones though. Those darn evil ones man. You just cannot legisl...oops I mean train those things to be safe no matter what, almost like they have a mind of their own! :rolleyes: Great, another idiot for the media to generalize gun owners with and further their agenda. Why can't these nut jobs just go over to the other end of the crazy spectrum and end themselves rather than constantly F'in up our society.
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