Girls Girls Girls!!!

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  • a44mag4dave

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    Ok now, we have showed off our guns and cars. We've talked about our fav Beer and Wines. The only important thing left is show off your girls. Heres my baby!!


    See your minds went way south on that one...
    This is my baby girl (6) shooting my other baby, and yes she was on target....



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    Feb 22, 2008
    Austin, TX
    This is what I like to see. Children learning the safety aspect and how to shoot at an early age. My father, uncle, and my grandfathers all had rifles put in their hands when they were that age. Some of my aunts too actually. I like the idea, and my children (when ever that happens) will be offered to be taught how to shoot when they are young. I think it's a fundamental thing that isn't taught anymore because of the "political correctness" of it all. I think that's hogwash.



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    Thank you SIR.

    I agree totally... I try my best to teach them safety and to respect the business end of any gun..... To watch there faces when they see a watermelon or a milk jug full of water explode, it really shows them what a gun will do, besides just putting holes in paper.... One day I hope you can experience the joy of teaching the next generation...


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    I'd imagine kids get a kick out of that. I know the loudness and power of a gun is the first thing a new shooter recognizes. When you are young even a .22 LR feels peppy.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Yep, I agree. I think more kids need to be raised and at the least taught safety with firearms (okay I think all kids should be). If they decide they don't like them, that's their choice but, at least they will have learned safety. The whole PC thing is just ridiculous.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    Yep, I agree. I think more kids need to be raised and at the least taught safety with firearms (okay I think all kids should be). If they decide they don't like them, that's their choice but, at least they will have learned safety. The whole PC thing is just ridiculous.

    Yep, not only that but it takes the curiosity out of many kids. So when they are older and more apt to break into stuff they won't be tempted to go looking for dad's pistol and play around with it.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    I saw a night time new show talking about this stuff. They stuck some kids with no exposure to guns in a room with a toy basket with a gun in the bottom and watched via video cameras. They found the gun and started pretending they were shooting each other. They did the same thing with kids who knew about guns and that they were dangerous and needed respect, when these kids found the gun they didn't touch it and went to tell an adult. 'Nuff said.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    I saw a night time new show talking about this stuff. They stuck some kids with no exposure to guns in a room with a toy basket with a gun in the bottom and watched via video cameras. They found the gun and started pretending they were shooting each other. They did the same thing with kids who knew about guns and that they were dangerous and needed respect, when these kids found the gun they didn't touch it and went to tell an adult. 'Nuff said.

    Don't doubt it one bit. The kids in the neighborhood all play around with toy guns all day shooting each other. They got airsoft guns and shoot each other, and if one got ahold of a real gun they'd probably shoot each other.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Here is my little girl shooting my Para.4" groups at 15 yards.She has been shooting for 6 months.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    My daughter knows the rules about gun safety.I constantly drill her about safety as I want her to understand why there are rules.She is very responsible and smart.When we went to the range the other day she pointed out a person swinging a loaded gun around and told the guy he had to always keep the gun down range and that he needed to learn trigger discipline.She knows not to load the gun until ready to fire.I am a very proud Dad.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Garland, TX
    It is great to see guys teaching their kiddos to shoot and be responsible with firearms. I taught my daughter and I am looking forward to teaching my Granddaughter. I took my Grandson hunting this last year. While we were at the hunting lease he shot (with my help) a Hi-Standard . 22 pistol. I only put one cartridge at a time in the magazine so it would be like shooting a single shot. We will do that for a while before moving up. It was a lot of fun.:D
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