got a Star semi - I like it

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  • Trueno

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    May 29, 2008
    Golden Triangle
    Just got it and I like it a lot. It's a 1986 Super B in 9mm Para, bluing is still fairly nice but the plastic checkered grips hafta go. Looks like a lot of Star parts from other models will fit, some with a lil modification but I think that'll get me more familiar with it than just shootin' ever would.

    It's missin' a few parts, but then again (imho) I got it for a song so no biggie.

    shopping list:
    safety lever
    safety detent pin and spring
    sheetmetal spring-thingy that slides up inside the magwell
    (puts tension on the hammer pawl)
    and a coupla mags

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    Apr 14, 2008

    I have a Star B that I bought from aimsurplus. It has the smoothest slide action I have ever felt. That may be because the steel is soft and it is "very" broke-in... whatever the reason, it sure does feel nice. I need to have a smith go thru it so I can feel comfortable about taking it to the range.

    Army 1911

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    Mar 17, 2008
    Dallas Texas or so
    I don't remember the name of the site but there is a place that specializes in Star parts. you can also get mags at gun shows. I don't remember if yours had the magazine safety. That might be what the piece is in the magwell. It disconnects when a mag is inserted letting the pistol fire. Most people took em out.


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    May 29, 2008
    Golden Triangle

    I have a Star B that I bought from aimsurplus. It has the smoothest slide action I have ever felt. That may be because the steel is soft and it is "very" broke-in... whatever the reason, it sure does feel nice. I need to have a smith go thru it so I can feel comfortable about taking it to the range.

    You ain't kiddin', the smoothness is almost spooky!

    Only one complaint so far, the length of pull and everything else fits my hand perfectly but the slide release is just out of reach for my thumb.



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    May 29, 2008
    Golden Triangle
    I don't remember the name of the site but there is a place that specializes in Star parts. you can also get mags at gun shows. I don't remember if yours had the magazine safety. That might be what the piece is in the magwell. It disconnects when a mag is inserted letting the pistol fire. Most people took em out.

    It does have the mag safety and it works, not sure why that was designed into the gun(?) Probably will take it out.

    The metal strip of spring steel that I mentioned slides up into the magwell in a groove on the backstrap wall and hooks under a crosspin. It keeps tension on the pawl that the hammer hooks against.
    I made one out've some springy strapping material, works fine and you can cock the hammer now but I'll keep lookin' for the correct one.

    Found these grips, I think the shade of brown will do well with the blueing. A notch for the lanyard swivel and they'll be good to go.

    eta: Brazilian Mahogany




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    Mar 17, 2008
    Houston, TX.
    My first Semi-auto pistol was a STAR 30MI (9MM) that I bought at a Gun Show in Houston. It's a lot of fun to shoot.:)


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    Mar 4, 2008
    The Star B is an excellent gun.I have had many of these in my time and they were all fun to shoot.

    Army 1911

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    Mar 17, 2008
    Dallas Texas or so
    Just for grins
    I can't remember whether it was Star or LLama that made a 1911 variant which was selective fire. Semi or full auto. The real problem with it was that the selector switch was on the slide and moved directly vertically. Down was full auto as I recall.

    So here you are rocking along in semi and the recoil makes it slip down to full auto.

    well on the good side though... being in full auto breaks things in the gun faster. A definite advance in efficiency.
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