GPS Units

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  • chevydeerhunter

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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    Does anyone know much about these units?
    I'm currently using a Navigon 2100 which is an entry level unit and not a bad one I must say. Is there a unit on the market that accepts direct entry searches? What I mean by that is say, for instance, I'm in an unfamiliar city(Houston) and I'm looking for a Wal-Mart. I would like a unit that has a feature where I can just search for "Wal Mart" and it will direct me to the nearest Wally World. Is there anything like that available?


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    Feb 23, 2008
    Our magellan maestro does that, but sometimes it doesn't wanna find what you are looking for. I think if we got an update it would help. I know it doesn't want to find any Sam's, at least not in Tyler. But it will find restaurants and such if you type in the name.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    My wife and I each have a Mio C310X, we paid $199 about 1.5 years ago. They allow direct searches for a particular place (Walmart, Taco Bell, etc.) or you can search by category, such as gas stations, restaurants, hotels, etc. We have been very happy with ours. You can Froogle them now for about $150.


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    Mar 7, 2008
    Parker County
    Does anyone know much about these units?
    I'm currently using a Navigon 2100 which is an entry level unit and not a bad one I must say. Is there a unit on the market that accepts direct entry searches? What I mean by that is say, for instance, I'm in an unfamiliar city(Houston) and I'm looking for a Wal-Mart. I would like a unit that has a feature where I can just search for "Wal Mart" and it will direct me to the nearest Wally World. Is there anything like that available?

    Any of the Garmin "Nuvi" models will do that. I have one and am happy with it.
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    Nov 28, 2008
    Frisco, TX
    My wife and I each have a Mio C310X, we paid $199 about 1.5 years ago. They allow direct searches for a particular place (Walmart, Taco Bell, etc.) or you can search by category, such as gas stations, restaurants, hotels, etc. We have been very happy with ours. You can Froogle them now for about $150.

    I had a Mio C310X, but sold it and upgraded to the widescreen C520. I like the value of Mio, but customer service and regular map updates are severely lacking. It took them forever to release map updates for the C520 that I ended up going through questionable means to update my maps; and the map update they have available now for the C520 is older than the maps I have right now! And it's only going to get worst with them.

    The GPS on my phone has come in pretty darn handy, but it is still lacking, primarily w/ searches.

    If I ever decide to get a new PND, then it will most likely be a Garmin.



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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    Oh, if you have a GoogleMap. It allows you to search in area for anything, zoom in, zoom out, click it (if you have touch screen), and even touch the phone number to call. Plus, it will also take you to their website. Pretty slick, and it's free.
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    Nov 28, 2008
    Frisco, TX has the Mio C320 for $99 right now: linky. It's like my C520, but w/o bluetooth capability.

    If anybody happens to buy one, then the first thing I would do is buy the latest map update available from the Mio e-store. I think that costs around $80.


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