Gun Control is Racist

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  • Texas1911

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    May 29, 2017
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    When are we going to start the reality campaign?

    I think banners like the above, and some of the others I've seen, really drive home a message that sticks.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    how do they figure.....?

    what has caused more gun committed crimes , the bloods and crips, or the KKK....?

    unless i am taking that the wrong way, i don't see how it is

    Has more to do with having our own sensationalist bullshit indoctrination

    Gun control is not going to affect the KKK, Crips, or Bloods, btw.


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    Apr 5, 2008
    Great Republic Of Texas
    I think you guys mis-read the poster. The idea is that the original reason that white politicians promoted and passed gun control was not an attempt to disarm the KKK. It was a racist policy meant to deprive Blacks of the ability to defend themselves.


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    Jun 5, 2008
    I certianly hope that gun stores will sell to a black person if they pass the background check.

    But I won't blame a gun store for not wanting to sell a gun to someone that goes in the store dressed as a gangster with his doo rag on his head and pants hanging down to his knees.

    My friend Jay bought a Taurus 24/7 and the people in line at Academy before him were some mexicans that were looking for the smallest, cheapest gun Academy had. It was a little .22LR revolver that held 5 shots for less than $200. I guess it'd be good if you were a hooker but aren't gangsters supposed to carry a nine?***

    They were using that revolver as if it were a toy and pointing it at each other and practicing quick draws from their pockets. The salesman asked for it back and they gave it back he locked it up and continued to help my friend. The other guys started wondering why he began to ignore them.

    (this was about 30 minutes before close that night)

    "Hey white boy, why don't you sell me that gun?"

    "You mispelled a word on your background check and I'm not supposed to do corrections, come back another time"

    "You just don't wanna sell to me 'cuz I'm mexican and with my home boyz"

    "No, I don't want to break federal law"

    "You're selling to that white boy!?!?"

    "He knows how to do a background check"

    "F*ck you I'm leaving, I'll meet you in the parking lot and f*ck you up!"

    So the salesman called the police and I'm not sure what happened after that.


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    Jul 28, 2008
    Shady Shores, TX

    When are we going to start the reality campaign?

    I think banners like the above, and some of the others I've seen, really drive home a message that sticks.

    IMO: This is ONE of the dumbest ad banners I've seen.

    People in general, or all races, should stop fabricating crap to use as a CRUTCH. Truth is we are all a little bit racist, but it don't mean that we should blame all the other races because of issues we have with our own, calling THEM racist.

    Bill Cosby said it right and gave a moral slap in the face to his own race. Did that stop things? Nope, they labeled him a traitor to his own race.
    Here is just a part:

    "Now, look, I’m telling you. It’s not what they’re doing to us. It’s what we’re not doing. 50 percent drop out. Look, we’re raising our own ingrown immigrants. These people are fighting hard to be ignorant. There’s no English being spoken, and they’re walking and they’re angry. Oh God, they’re angry and they have pistols and they shoot and they do stupid things. And after they kill somebody, they don’t have a plan. Just murder somebody. Boom. Over what? A pizza? And then run to the poor cousin’s house.
    They sit there and the cousin says, “What are you doing here?”
    “I just killed somebody, man.”
    “I just killed somebody; I’ve got to stay here.”
    “No, you don’t.”
    “Well, give me some money, I’ll go….”
    “Where are you going?”
    “North Carolina.”
    Everybody wanted to go to North Carolina. But the police know where you’re going because your cousin has a record."

    You can read the whole thing here -----> American Rhetoric: Bill Cosby - Address at the NAACP's Commemoration of the 50th of Brown v. Board of Education


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Regardless of the original intention of gun control, I think we can all agree on one thing. Gun control these days is clearly colorblind and seeks to make ALL of us defenseless, regardless of race. We all need to band together, regardless of race, to defeat this damn gun control as far as I'm concerned.


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    Apr 12, 2008
    Regardless of the original intention of gun control, I think we can all agree on one thing. Gun control these days is clearly colorblind and seeks to make ALL of us defenseless, regardless of race. We all need to band together, regardless of race, to defeat this damn gun control as far as I'm concerned.

    i will go with that


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    Criminal Control not Gun Control

    I don't think stiffer gun control is ever going to solve the problem. A criminal usually has a gun or can get a gun illegally anyway. What needs to be improved on is making laws to punish the criminal harsher if a gun is used in the crime. Pass some laws to better control criminals. Guns, are they really that out of control, I don’t think so.


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    Aug 7, 2008
    San Antonio
    Some of you boys need to do a little reading and research. Many of the post civil war "Black Codes" were designed to prevent blacks from owning firearms, or at least modern (for the time) firearms. Some codes even prohibited blacks from owning (by name) Winchester rifles or Colt revolvers. Some codes just specified "army caliber" (.36 or .44) revolvers.

    The poster is commenting on the historic roots of gun control, not current efforts.


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    Jul 28, 2008
    Shady Shores, TX
    Some of you boys need to do a little reading and research. Many of the post civil war "Black Codes" were designed to prevent blacks from owning firearms, or at least modern (for the time) firearms. Some codes even prohibited blacks from owning (by name) Winchester rifles or Colt revolvers. Some codes just specified "army caliber" (.36 or .44) revolvers.

    The poster is commenting on the historic roots of gun control, not current efforts.

    While there is no doubt these events took place, they took place A LONG TIME AGO! I'm sure the Germans had laws and policies in place preventing Jews from owning a firearm back during WWII. The point is that it's not like that anymore. How long must people use the past as a crutch??

    You say that: "The poster is commenting on the historic roots of gun control, not current efforts" but I say "bullshit", it's just another ploy to bring up racism. Otherwise what other purpose does it serve? Why bring up the past, if there isn't anything to gain from it? Sympathy?? Nope, not anymore.
    It would be the same if the Jewish community posted a poster of victims of the Holocaust with "The original purpose of gun control: To protect the Nazi from their victims". How many signs do you see like that?
    The Past is in the Past, nothing that anyone can change. Times have changed.

    The "Oh, woe is me..." doesn't work anymore. Get over it!

    Double Naught Spy

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    Mar 4, 2008
    North Texas
    Some of you boys need to do a little reading and research. Many of the post civil war "Black Codes" were designed to prevent blacks from owning firearms, or at least modern (for the time) firearms. Some codes even prohibited blacks from owning (by name) Winchester rifles or Colt revolvers. Some codes just specified "army caliber" (.36 or .44) revolvers.

    The poster is commenting on the historic roots of gun control, not current efforts.

    Great. So are we fighting against the current efforts or are we trying to fight 130 year state and local laws that no longer exist?

    The poster is NOT commenting on history, but making a statement about the present and is using present tense. It says, "Gun control is racist."

    But wait! There is more. The poster is blatantly in error and as Floyd noted, just appears to be a crutch argument. The earliest State level gun control I can find is from Georgia in 1837, a law banning pistols. It was not a racist law - plain and simple ... if you want to talk about original purpose of a state level law within the United States. If you want to precede to the Colonial Period, you will find that the laws are not racist either, but about subjugation regardless of race. The earliest documented law I can find comes from England in 1671 that attempted to keep firearms out of the hands of the non-wealthy. Once more, subjugation, not race per se.

    Yes, post Civil War saw laws enacted that were anti-African American including some gun laws. HOWEVER, those laws are no longer in effect in that manner and while some gun control laws did have racist overtones, equal rights now possessed by all within the US means the laws are not racial anymore.

    It may be argued that much gun control WAS racist, but that isn't the case now. It is against all of us.


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    Jul 28, 2008
    Shady Shores, TX
    The poster is NOT commenting on history, but making a statement about the present and is using present tense. It says, "Gun control is racist."

    You're absolutely right!

    Furthermore look at the poster...

    - IF it was about past historical events, WHY would she holding an old rifle yet she's wearing modern clothes, even manicured toe nails? Why didn't they have a model dressed and posing as a slave, with shackles and chains??

    - The poster was intentionally created in Black and White symbolizing the contrast of "Black Vs White" (or vice versa), with the above mentioned statement, it reflects MODERN time contrast not past.

    (I could go on and on, but won't because I see no purpose, it just gets on my nerves people expecting sympathy or a handout)

    Finally, it wasn't too much about gun control back then, it was about HATE.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    You guys are going deep.

    David, you forgot to mention she has a Russian rifle ... symbol of the struggle of the proletariat class. ;)

    Someone sent it to me and I figured I'd post it to get a rise out of people.


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    Jul 28, 2008
    Shady Shores, TX
    You guys are going deep.

    David, you forgot to mention she has a Russian rifle ... symbol of the struggle of the proletariat class. ;)

    Someone sent it to me and I figured I'd post it to get a rise out of people.

    Thanks Alan (What a keen eye you have)! Yea, she has a Russian rifle while representing slavery during the civil war... LOL Whassup with that?

    I find it all quite humorous


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    Apr 28, 2008
    Kenefick, TX
    Floid Droid -
    Get a clue and realize that there is truth in some things that you do not personally believe and the everyone, EVERYONE, not just liberals, have a right to say things that others think are offensive.

    Gun control was a direct result of southern bigots trying to control and manipulate the freed slaves and those that were trying to help them.

    Stefan B. Tahmassebi
    The first gun control laws were enacted in the ante-bellum South forbidding blacks, whether free or slave, to possess arms, in order to maintain blacks in their servile status. After the Civil War, the South continued to pass restrictive firearms laws in order to deprive the newly freed blacks from exercising their rights of citizenship. During the later part of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century, gun control laws were passed in the South in order to disarm agrarian reformers and in the North to disarm union organizers. In the North, a strong xenophobic reaction to recent waves of immigrants added further fuel for gun control laws which were used to disarm such persons. Other firearms ownership restrictions were adopted in order to repress the incipient black civil rights movement.
    George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal
    Vol. 2 (1991): 67.

    Cite your sources droid, or admit that you are using your personal views as basis for an argument that is inherently wrong.



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    Jul 28, 2008
    Shady Shores, TX
    Floid Droid -
    Get a clue and realize that there is truth in some things that you do not personally believe and the everyone, EVERYONE, not just liberals, have a right to say things that others think are offensive.

    When did you hear me say that Liberals (I'm not one) are the only ones in title to free speech?? Hmm??

    Keep reaching deep buddy... lets see what else you can pull out of your ass!

    Gun control was a direct result of southern bigots trying to control and manipulate the freed slaves and those that were trying to help them.

    There is no doubt that the events you mention are true.

    I'm so glad you managed to understand how to use Google, you'll see that there is so much out there other than thinking that gun control was only used against the black man. Try, "gun control Jews" or Tibet or whatever other races that were kept under tight oppression.

    My beef is the constant using RACE as a CRUTCH

    HK_Fiend has it right!

    Gun control these days is clearly colorblind and seeks to make ALL of us defenseless, regardless of race.

    Cite your sources droid, or admit that you are using your personal views as basis for an argument that is inherently wrong.

    I have no need to "cite my sources", as if your wasn't just a product out of a web search. Grow a brain dude... I'm certainly giving you my personal views, why else would anyone be in this forum??

    There is no doubt that racism, regardless what race, was the originator of gun control. My argument is: That is not what it is today.

    So you can take your "Oh... Woe is me, cause I'm black" poster of a young lady with manicured toe nails and a Russian rifle portraying a slave, and bark up some other tree... cause you get no sympathy from me.
    Simply because, RACE is NOT the factor in TODAY'S AGE! EDIT: (<------ Gun control.)

    When the white man enslaved black people there are no words to describe the cruelty. It was wrong and as a white man, I'm ashamed of that behavior. But it was a long time ago, generations ago, people move on, life goes on. Time heals... and the circle of life has no ending. I don't owe anything to anyone and anyone that still uses the "slave drama" is just looking for a handout.

    Double Naught Spy

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    Mar 4, 2008
    North Texas
    Joat, how is gun control racist today? What race is being kept from guns in America, today, because of American laws?

    You demanded FD cite his sources, then you do the same. Just cite the gun control laws in effect today that are racist and make your point.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    If anything, I wouldn't call modern gun control racist, I would call it classist. What I mean by that is there have been several components of modern gun control that are clearly slanted AGAINST those of lower income levels. For example, there was the whole "saturday night special" ordeal with trying to ban inexpensive and small guns. Despite all the emotionalism over them, the entire purpose of those types of firearms was originally intended to be inexpensive firearms that are more easily affordable. It's pretty obvious that, to make them more affordable, they'd need to save on material costs by making things maybe a bit smaller than the average full size gun. In addition to that, there are things like the current, San Francisco I believe, gun ban for all residents of government housing/projects. In effect, that means that anyone unfortunate enough to be too poor to afford their own housing there, also has their 2nd amendment rights stripped from them.

    I could go on, and on, and on. There is no limit to what the insidious individuals behind the scenes steering the gun control monster......there is absolutely NO limit to what they will do. We need to put class, race, and every differentiating factor aside to join forces with ALL our fellow citizens if we ever hope to defeat this monster. I'll say this much, sometimes it sure doesn't seem hard for those @ssholes to play the game of divide and conquer with us, in effect making us do their work for them at taking away our rights. I don't care what walk of life someone is from. If you are with me on protecting our rights, I consider you my brother or sister.
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