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  • SIG_Fiend

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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Thanks for joining! It's good to have you here. Just fyi, I would highly recommend checking out http://shilohshooting.net/ as it's a range there in Houston, and one of the classiest and nicest I've been too.

    Just bought your first handgun? I'll say this much, you'll find shooting handguns accurately can be one of the toughest things at first. I'm still learning myself. Two quick tips though, focus on the front sight and focus on proper trigger finger control (eliminating flinch or yanking the trigger). Those are the 2 main problems most people seem to have (I sure did when I started out) when starting with handguns. One thing to watch out for is to try hard to focus on that front sight. It seems many people really want to focus on the target, especially at close range. This can work alright to some degree, but usually it will never be as accurate as focusing on the front sight.

    If you really want to learn how to shoot handguns well, I would HIGHLY recommend picking up this DVD as it will give you a biiiig jumpstart over most beginners and will make it much easier to learn:



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    Jun 8, 2008
    Pearland, TX
    Well, went to the range today! Marksman! Put 150 rounds through the gun. Nothing impressive, just trying to get the feeling of shooting a handgun. I'm starting to feel more comfortable with my shooting. Now I need to practice more and more, and then some more.

    BTW, the gun is a HK P30 v3 9mm. Shot flawlessly, unlike me. Oh and yes, I don't want to stop just at one gun. We'll see!


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    Jun 8, 2008
    Pearland, TX
    Well, I've been there twice and it's been recently, so I don't know how it was before. Right now it seems pretty good. I'll continue visiting until I find something better in the SE area.


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    Mar 17, 2008
    Houston, TX.
    I called before going there (20 yrs. ago) and was told I couldn't fire any magnums & they charged per gun not per person. I called a few weeks ago & that's all changed, now. I'm hoping I can go there, this weekend.

    Have you tried Pasadena Shooting Center, in Pasadena or Sportsman Shooting Center in Friendswood? There is also Clear Creek Gun range in League City and Bailey's Rifle & Pistol range (just south of Beltway-8 & Almeda Rd.)

    Those are the only places in SE Houston, that I know about. Hope that helps.
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