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  • Davem3racer

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    Mar 27, 2008
    Rockford, Illinois
    Hello to all,

    My name is Dave and I am glad to have found this forum. My wife and I are currently trapped in Illinois, but our release into the free world is scheduled for this July. The combination of winter weather and a ridiculous political environment has finally wore us down. We will be moving away from our families and into the Lubbock area and are looking for information on everything related to the area and the new freedom that we will finally have.

    We both love to shoot, and we keep our skills sharp at our local gun shops indoor range. Revolvers, pistols, rifles, and shotguns, we have them all and look forward to finding ranges in the area where we can practice frequently.

    I look forward to adding to the collective knowledge of the group, but I must admit that I will have many many questions for you all, and most will seem pretty silly to those who have never lived with the restrictions that we have grown up under. :D


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    Mar 25, 2008
    I have lots of family and friends in the Lubbock area. I think you will like the people there. The city is pretty darn nice for West Texas too. They have a lot of parks sprinkled around the city. They also have great Doctors, hospitals and of course an outstanding college. The best part about living in the Lubbock area to me, is you are only a few hours from the Mountains.

    Sorry I don't have any info on shooting ranges out there but, its Texas, so you know there will be a place to shoot!


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    Mar 27, 2008
    Rockford, Illinois
    Thanks for the warm welcome. My wife is heading down to look for a place to rent next week. I figure that we can rent a place for the first year before we find a place to buy.

    Moving to the west side of the state works great for us since we have a bunch of friends in AZ and now they are close enough that we can drive there and stay for a week.

    What do I shoot. Most often my SIG P245 and GSR. Next would be my revolvers. I am really looking forward to finding a range where I can shoot all of my long guns. That is definately the most difficult thing to find up here.

    Thanks again for the warm welcome.


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    Mar 27, 2008
    Rockford, Illinois

    I have a lifted Jeep Liberty as a daily driver. Then I ride my R1 in the summers a ton of the time.

    My M3 is kinda my toy. I spend more time at the track with it than on the road. 1997 E36 M3 Sedan that I bought new and have a touch over 50000 original miles. Love the car but I always find myself adding more goodies to it, slowly and as the budget permits, so it really doesn't get out much.
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