How long before obtaining CHL?

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  • allforbirds

    New Member
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    Jul 29, 2008
    I am new to firearms, the husband and I have purchased an XD 9mm 4" (1 month ago)and Walther P22 (last weekend). This is the first time I have been around guns and owned any. I took one on one lessons from an instructor and feel good about handling them and being safe. We have made 5 trips to the gun range since getting the Xd. I am wondering how long should you wait before attending the CHL classes?

    I have pretty close groupings with the Xd but with the P22 they are all over the place. I will be doing alot of traveling within the next year and after reviewing all the laws think it might be in my best interest to obtain my CHL.

    My goal is to go shooting once a week minimum and I have been mainly using the XD.The 22 is just because I wanted it and ammo is cheap for it, I am still getting used to it.

    I have looked around and have found what shots you need to shoot but have not found how the scoring is done. I am also looking for a source to order the targets to practice with, right now I am paying $1.50 for a
    silhouette target at the local range, and it is not lasting long.

    Thanks for any help!!


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    Mar 7, 2008
    Parker County
    I am new to firearms, the husband and I have purchased an XD 9mm 4" (1 month ago)and Walther P22 (last weekend). This is the first time I have been around guns and owned any. I took one on one lessons from an instructor and feel good about handling them and being safe. We have made 5 trips to the gun range since getting the Xd. I am wondering how long should you wait before attending the CHL classes?

    I have pretty close groupings with the Xd but with the P22 they are all over the place. I will be doing alot of traveling within the next year and after reviewing all the laws think it might be in my best interest to obtain my CHL.

    My goal is to go shooting once a week minimum and I have been mainly using the XD.The 22 is just because I wanted it and ammo is cheap for it, I am still getting used to it.

    I have looked around and have found what shots you need to shoot but have not found how the scoring is done. I am also looking for a source to order the targets to practice with, right now I am paying $1.50 for a
    silhouette target at the local range, and it is not lasting long.

    Thanks for any help!!

    Welcome to the forum.

    There is no reason to wait to take the CHL class if you can shoot decently with the XD; you can't use a .22 to qualify with so you'll have to shoot the XD anyway. It doesn't take much of a score to pass it either. With the reported wait times for a CHL these days you might as well get your application in the hopper.


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    Jul 29, 2008
    Welcome to the forum.

    There is no reason to wait to take the CHL class if you can shoot decently with the XD; you can't use a .22 to qualify with so you'll have to shoot the XD anyway. It doesn't take much of a score to pass it either. With the reported wait times for a CHL these days you might as well get your application in the hopper.


    The 22 is just for target practice since it so cheap to shoot. I used my moms and just had to have one of my own.



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    Jun 17, 2008
    Welcome to the Boards :cool:

    The CHL proficiency test is just that...a test to see how proficient you are with your firearm. As long as you understand you firearm and are able to hit the side of the barn you should do fine. I took my class with people who had never used their firearms before and they did fine.

    Best of luck to the both of you two.

    Shiner Bock

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    Apr 30, 2008
    You sound more than ready. If you can shoot good groups with your XD, not only are you good to go, you'll probably record a perfect score on your shooting test.


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    Jul 11, 2008
    Ditto, I just took the CHL class and I slightly disappointed at how easy the proficiency test was. It's a simple pass/fail test- they don't even give you a score (I'm slightly competitive). Anyway, good luck with your CHL class!


    TGT Addict
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    May 28, 2008
    Ft Worth, TX

    X ring and 9 and 8 are five points, 7 is four points, and everwhere else on the figure is 3.

    Total Possible is a 250/ minimum to pass is 175

    I score for those who want to know, but the record only calls for pass/fail.


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    Apr 5, 2008
    Frisco, Texas
    Start the process now

    I agree with the others that you are proficient enough now to take your CHL training course. The wait time for your application is the worst part. You will have plenty of time for more practice and training while you wait. My wife and I took our CHL course together. It took her only about 60 days to cet her CHL but it took me 94 days to get mine. I thought that was kinda strange since I had a top secret security clearance while in the Army.
    Anyway, welcome to the world of shooting and to this forum.
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