Hyskore Ear Protection

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  • Cody302

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    Jun 11, 2008
    Has anyone used Hyskore's Electronic Sound Suppression Ear Muffs?? They're going for around $60-$65,which is about all I'm willing to spend on just a set of muffs.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Honestly, from what I have personally experienced of various brands of electronic earpro in the sub $100 range, I wasn't impressed with most of them. Most of those in that price range have only very basic electronic sound reduction, and I think many of them don't even have low decibel sound amplification. I haven't used the particular ones you are asking about, so take my words with a grain of salt. ;) The cheapest ones I've found that are actually effective have been the Peltor Tactical Sport, and those are typically around $100-110. I never would have thought I'd spend $100 on some earmuffs a year ago, though they have worked so well I feel they were worth every penny.

    Cody302, if you happen to be going to the Shiloh "shootathon" event later this month (24th), you are more than welcome to try my Peltors out. Even if it's more than you want to spend, at least you can get an idea of how electronic earpro sounds and how effective they can be.


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    Jun 11, 2008
    I'm probably gonna double up for a little while. I was thinking about using the "in/out ear" Surefire mechanical noise reduction ear plugs underneath a set of decent muffs. But I am going to have to go to the Shiloh website to get the particulars on that shootoff on the 24th. Here's a link to the one's I was talking about.http://www.hyskore.com/electronic-hearing-protection.htm

    The one's Cyfer suggested are rather attractive with their low profile build. I know that comes in real handy for shotgunning and rifles. The Hyskores are really bulky and large,but I'm only shooting pistols. But it sure is nice not having all that weight swinging around the sides of your head every time you turn around or move your head suddenly.


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    Mar 29, 2008
    north houston
    Howard Leight makes a very low-profile, easy to store set of electronic muffs. They are very effective and are the sets that we all use on a daily basis. Best part? $64.99. Perfect for the guy that wants great electronic ear muffs for $60-$65. Come and get 'em at Shiloh.


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    Jun 11, 2008
    Howard Leight makes a very low-profile, easy to store set of electronic muffs. They are very effective and are the sets that we all use on a daily basis. Best part? $64.99. Perfect for the guy that wants great electronic ear muffs for $60-$65. Come and get 'em at Shiloh.

    Ya' know, I just may do that! Ofcourse, I'm not doin' anything till I buy another recoil spring tube. I cleaned it.........dried it off with a paper towel..........left it sitting in paper towel...............few minutes later....threw paper towel away.........................................idiot.
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