KEL-TECH SU-16 ??? thoughts and opinions

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  • 89lxcoupe351w

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    Jul 23, 2008
    ok, so here i go again, what are some thoughts and opinions on
    KEL-TECHS su-16, specifically a su-16c, i am looking at one
    instead of spending a grand on an AR15


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    Jul 28, 2008
    North Dallas
    i would NOT buy one. not a bad rifle but pointless in a state that doesnt outlaw ar15s. i had one in california. it was alright but very plasticky and the sights are absolute crap.

    save up for an AR, it is worth it. and dont buy a crappy AR either. a good starter is a stag rifle


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    That's the thing that really annoys me about those Keltec SU model .223 rifles. I REALLY wish they would make one at a similar price point, that consisted of the same basic operating mechanisms and components BUT, in more of an AR layout with a pistol grip, stock, etc. It would be a nice and inexpensive alternative in .223 for avoiding the crappy direct impingement system of AR's....for someone lazy like myself that doesn't want to deal with cleaning a DI system. ;)

    For cheapo .223 alternatives to the AR there is also Mini 14's and the newer production AR-180B's (I think that's the proper nomenclature). Most of those you can usually find at least a few in the $500-700 range sometimes.


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    Jul 28, 2008
    North Dallas
    theres nothing wrong with direct impingement. you dont even need scrub your gas tube, etc. keep your bolt clean and oiled (not hard) and you are set for reliable firing.

    RRA's a good rifle. my only issue is their prolific use of heavy barrels . . it's a manufacturer laziness thing to not turn down the barrels to save weight. heavy barrels arent necessary in ALL configurations


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    theres nothing wrong with direct impingement. you dont even need scrub your gas tube, etc. keep your bolt clean and oiled (not hard) and you are set for reliable firing.

    Oh I know. I'm lazy though. I pretty much live off the bore snake. ;)


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Austin, TX
    That's the thing that really annoys me about those Keltec SU model .223 rifles. I REALLY wish they would make one at a similar price point, that consisted of the same basic operating mechanisms and components BUT, in more of an AR layout with a pistol grip, stock, etc. It would be a nice and inexpensive alternative in .223 for avoiding the crappy direct impingement system of AR's....for someone lazy like myself that doesn't want to deal with cleaning a DI system. ;)

    For cheapo .223 alternatives to the AR there is also Mini 14's and the newer production AR-180B's (I think that's the proper nomenclature). Most of those you can usually find at least a few in the $500-700 range sometimes.

    There's nothing wrong with a direct impingement system. As long as you don't mind really cleaning a rifle every 1000 rounds or so, there shouldn't be an issue. I fire the cheapest brass-cased stuff through mine and have had no problems.


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    Aug 14, 2008
    i owned one for a short while, and its pretty much as described by others, cheap looking/feeling and terrible sights. it had the tendency to jam quite often, i had to keep it well cleaned, and polished the underside of the bolt carrier, which seemed to help. i wouldn't recommend buying one though. hopefully this helps.
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