Local gun stores just "crazy" with business!

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  • slim jim

    Official News Guy
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    Mar 18, 2008
    :eek: How is it where you live!

    A local store normally has an entire rack full of used long guns and a display case of pistols (used and new). I went in last week after cleaning supplies along with a cheapie rifle case and was supprised to see the rack with about half of what it normally is and the case less than half. The place had probably 10-15 people looking at the weapons which is a huge crowd for this place. It took me a while to make my purchase as they (the owner and his two minions) were busy answering questions and helping other customers. Very busy!!

    I believe scarey is the correct word!

    The range that I frequent has doubled business from this time last year, lot's of Assault rifles and pistols. I think some of the sheep are waking up finally, I'm filling in the holes in my battery as well, quickly as possible!


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    I think scary is right. I wholly feel that everyone has the right to exercise their rights, but I also think/know a lot of people DO NOT accept the responsibility of those rights. Thus, CHL's are up, gun sales are up and a lot of the people have never owned a gun, don't plan on getting proper training or learning on their own, they just want to be able to say they have a gun.

    I know someone, very close, that got a CHL and was almost not passed because their comfort in handling their gun was not where it needed to be. It's a testament to how weak the shooting proficiency test is; they passed the test but the instructor was concerned.

    They got the CHL in the mail and was proud to have and show it and they keep a gun with them in their vehicle (no plan to carry). I can't imagine this person actually successfully using the gun for protection. If they aren't comfortable at a range, with paper target's, how will they react with a real BG and only seconds, if they're lucky to have that long.

    I know someone else very well, much younger than the other. Recent ex-military and carries in the car but no CHL yet. Out with another person I know well. Both drinking, one starts messing with the Glock in the car, gets the slide halfway off then somehow jams it like that. How can they tell if a round isn't chambered etc.? No one knows but the fact that the one who owns it had it available to "mess around with", especially while out drinking is beyond me.

    I'm not for government control at all, but if the individual won't take responsibility, who will make sure others are safe around them? Education is a huge part, but just knowing won't be any good for some people.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    Oh, and how many people actually keep themselves up to date or even remember half of what is covered in a CHL class? Not many I'm sure.

    Look at the crime stats for CHL holders and look at the crimes CHL holders are arrested for. While I think the type of data in general is irresponsible (it should be relevant to the CHL and not general so as to feed the anti-gun nuts) to collect in the way the state does, it's an eye opener for example, how many CHL holders are charged with unlawful carry.


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    Mar 12, 2008
    Irving, Texas
    The 2nd amendment guaranties the right of everyone to own a gun. It does not say that they need to complete a classroom lecture or shooting test. I believe those to be unconstitutional. Nature has a way of thinning the herd of those "special" people that have no business doing what they are doing.

    After all i know far more people that are driving that shouldn't be.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Most of the shops in my town have nothing I need.I usually order from the internet so I can get exactly what I want.The shops also charge way too much.I like buying guns without the shops profits and taxes.They charge an extra $100 to $150 so they can make there profit and stay in business.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    I also believe that beer and bullets do not mix.Its real easy for someone to ruin their life by screwing around with a firearm when drinking.When I drink the guns get put away before I start.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    The 2nd amendment guaranties the right of everyone to own a gun. It does not say that they need to complete a classroom lecture or shooting test. I believe those to be unconstitutional. Nature has a way of thinning the herd of those "special" people that have no business doing what they are doing.

    After all i know far more people that are driving that shouldn't be.

    I agree completely. Especially the driving thing.

    Boating is another similar situation. So many people run out and buy boats/PWC's and head to the lake. They have no clue what even basic laws and navigational rules are. Those are the ones that cause the dangerous situations, the deaths etc. But how do "we", we being those of us that don't want to be injured or killed by some idiot because they don't have a clue, help make those people aware and encourage them to seek education before doing something stupid? Guns are the same deal.

    I don't think the government is the answer but too many people look to the government as an easy excuse even when they know, it's not a fix. But it's sure easy to blame when something happens if we've given them some control. People helping people works, but we don't do that anymore.

    I don't have the answer, I just know I don't want some moron shooting me or running their boat or PWC into the side of me because of his/her lack of responsibility to educate themselves.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    The 2nd amendment guaranties the right of everyone to own a gun. It does not say that they need to complete a classroom lecture or shooting test.

    Shouldn't we be responsible enough to know that rights come with responsibilities? And if so, the 2nd or any amendment for that matter, shouldn't tell us and I don't think that's the purpose our founding Fathers intended.

    It's a rhetorical question, because the answer is demonstrated in our current society. The actual answer doesn't matter because we put lawmakers into place who say we don't need to know, and so come the laws with laws to modify and laws to amend and laws to clarify the laws so everyone is clear about our rights, which brings us right back to the original problem.


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    Mar 10, 2008
    JKTex, the argument you make on inept people having guns can be made with just about anything. I know many, many people who have children that shouldn't. For example the lady who just threw her kids off the overpass in Dallas. If we start deciding who gets what freedoms, it will spiral into a repressive mess. And who chooses who gets the freedoms? Our Government officials? I'm sure the state of New York would love their ex-governor to decide who gets guns, can have children, and who can drive cars. We all know what good judgment he has ( at least he chose a good looking prostitute!). Also, I have many patients who are police officers. Some I know only shoot their gun once per year to qualify. How do I know this? Because they have told me. I am not insulting any of our police members, but you all know what I am talking about. There ARE some police officers who just shouldn't be carrying a gun! I cringe at times at some of the people I know that have guns. But, you know, not one of them (the people I know) has yet shot themselves or or someone else. In this country, for the most part, we have the freedom to be stupid and injure ourselves. Now if we injure someone else then we have laws and a punishment system to deal with it.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    My favorite shop in San Antonio has had its two best months ever.
    Get them before the democrats ban them. Or better yet, don't buy any and I will be able to sell mine for a big profit
    The price of ammunition has gone up so high that it almost is an effective as a gun ban. Can't afford to like I used to. Cabela's wants $35 for a box of American Eagle 10mm. $42 for a box of .223 Black hills moly. Price on on a box a 10 rounds of 50BMG went from $18 to just under $50


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    DrBart2, I agree! I kept it narrow in scope to see what kid of responses it would get.

    It's a slippery slope. While I don't want some moron to shoot me accidentally because he misused his gun, I certainly don't want to see rights taken away. And we all know very well, a lot of people don't accept responsibility for anything.

    It's a price we pay to keep our rights. But it doesn't mean we can't try to get people to educate themselves, without infringing on their rights an without the government sticking their nose into it.

    I also don't want to offend any LEO's but it is scary that so many LEO's shoot only enough to qualify. Many will never need the skills but you never know, but you'd hope that departments would require or encourage more training.

    It would be interesting to know the shooting and firearms handling experience of some of the officers involved in incidents where things don't go the way they should. LEO's need to be prepared and well trained but I think like with everything, budget $$$ and bean counters is what keeps that from happening.


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    Mar 16, 2008
    Houston Metro Area
    LEO Qualification

    No offense taken, you are correct. And as easy as some of the qualification courses are I still see officers not qualify or barely scrape by in a Annual or semi-annual qualification.

    I know many officers that shoot only at qualifications!!!:o


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    Mar 10, 2008
    LOL, I am a great believer in required training! Maybe we could somehow require a training course before someone has a kid!:rolleyes: I think most would flunk the course! I wouldn't mind required safety training before someone could buy a gun, but again that could run into misuse buy officials administrating the procedure. And the course would have to be free to be fair for the poorer people. There is no good answer


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    Mar 3, 2008
    Austin, Houston
    the slippery slope

    Yep, If we take a right from another we have set precedent for our loss of the same right. People will repond quickly when they are around responsible folks who will tell them the truth in solid terms. Don't suffer fools but always be willing to educate.

    Police are like any other GROUP, you have good and bad. Some of the better shooters I know are police and I've seen frightening displays of ignorance by the same. The whole training police thing will of course loop into budgets and taxes so it is easy to claim an answer but different to implement.

    What we are lacking as a whole as a society are proper standards. Why is the CHL proficency so easy to obtain? How is it an officer can pass the qualification with no practice? Until we hold ourselves to higher standards the course is set.

    Life is hard so don't pretend and make it easy. If the CHL or Officer standards required a 4 second draw fire reload and fire, two shots each on steel then a person would be competent and proud when receiving the CHL or requalifying as an Officer.

    Bad or foolish decisions are unfortunant as most can only be cured with experience.

    You only get what you expect,


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    Apr 3, 2008
    The price of ammunition has gone up so high that it almost is an effective as a gun ban. Can't afford to like I used to. Cabela's wants $35 for a box of American Eagle 10mm. $42 for a box of .223 Black hills moly. Price on on a box a 10 rounds of 50BMG went from $18 to just under $50

    I've spent more time with my .22's as a result....as a matter of fact, just bought a new Ruger Mk III 22/45 yesterday for this very reason. I need to keep up my skills, but it's a whole lot cheaper to do it with even premium .22lr ammo than with WWB in .45acp. I work on my rifle shooting with the 10/22 and my old Remington Rangemaster. Now for a good .22 in revolvers and I can save more money toward another AR or two.



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    Mar 1, 2008
    Central TX
    If I had the cash I would be in line with em. Im saving up right now to buy a 2nd Ar15 and hopefully before the elections another hi cap type pistol.

    Not that I need them, I already have several. I just want them before we get a shit head for a Prez and they say I can't get another.
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