Looking for a long range rifle range

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  • LR-AR-LB

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    Jul 13, 2008
    I live i the Kerrville area and would like to find a range with at least 500yd's. I would certinly settle for a hookup at a ranch etc. I don't need a range just a place to get some long range action in.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Being in Kerrville, this one might be too much of a drive for you but it's worth mentioning I think:

    Tiger Valley

    I haven't been there myself, though they have up to 1000yd ranges, and it seems to be a real quality place. It's worth consideration at least. I don't know of any other ranges in the central Texas area that go up to 1000yd's. Maybe a few around 500yds though it seems that most of the 1000yd ranges are more around the Dallas and/or Corpus directions, in other words quite a bit farther away. ;) If I'm wrong BTW, and if there are long distance ranges closer to the central Texas area, anyone feel free to correct me.


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    Jul 13, 2008
    Long Range

    I have seen the Tiger website and it looks really good, have to plan a weekend there sometime. But for a spur of the moment etc there isn't much suprisingly around kerrville. LOT'S of big hunting ranches etc. I am about to the point I would cut cedar 1/2 a day in order to shoot the remainder at someones ranch. Heck I even have a BOBCAT to do alot of the work.
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