Mac Pick's Palin

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  • Cyfer

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    May 29, 2008
    wow, i didn't see this coming. So not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing. Mainly because i haven't researched and read the facts yet about this combination.


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    Jun 18, 2008
    From my blog:

    McCain/Palin...Who would of thought? After I got up off the floor, brushed myself off, and caught my breath, I started to think about it.

    A young, inexperienced, Governor of Alaska? Really? My biggest concern is that McCain did not choose somebody who would help solidify any of the battleground states. That hurts. My second biggest concern is that Palin is adamantly Pro-Life, so will she really be able to pull in Hillary's Army? I'm not so sure.

    After I got past those two points, I started to get excited. A lifetime NRA member with a husband who actually works for a living? A hunter, fisher, and winner of several marathons and snowmobile races? A former runner-up to Miss Alaska? And a governor who actually has executive experience? She blows Obama out of the water, and Obama wants to play the experience game?

    Obama, with a somewhat diluted message of change, picks a Washington insider for VP, and shuns Hillary.

    McCain, a maverick with values, positions, and answers picks a woman who could not be further from Washington.

    Obama's over-hyped speech and convention are yesterdays news, and for that, McCain gets Highest Honors.


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    Aug 8, 2008
    I'm happy!



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    May 4, 2008
    The guy has urinated directly on the 4th amendment, Mcain - like Obama is an "enemy domestic".......


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    Apr 5, 2008
    Frisco, Texas
    Bye, Bye Obama!!!

    Home run by McCain!!! Not only a NRA lifetimer, shooter, hunter, athlete, smart, poised, nice family, and super hot! Did anybody hear that Obama made some kind of speach or something last night?:D


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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    The guy has urinated directly on the 4th amendment, Mcain - like Obama is an "enemy domestic".......

    Unreasonable search and seizure?:confused:

    I happen to think it's a pretty good choice. She balances McCain and totally blows the two tax and spend liberals out of the water when it comes to all matters with the exception of foriegn policy but McCain has that covered. She has the experience of having to balance a budget and run a state whereas O/B have done nothing but spend our money.

    That being said, I hope McCain didn't pick her to get the Hillary votes because I don't think that will happen. She seems like she can hold her own. Besides, all the Hillary ladies are going to be jealous of her looks!:p

    Me likes older women!


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    May 4, 2008
    Google the latest FISA act - McCain voted FOR immunity for companies who violated the 4th amendment.

    zembonez - I am from the planet of critical thought and love of personal liberty. Maybe we should examine mods that open and close a locked thread just to "get in the last word".......


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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    Google the latest FISA act - McCain voted FOR immunity for companies who violated the 4th amendment.

    zembonez - I am from the planet of critical thought and love of personal liberty. Maybe we should examine mods that open and close a locked thread just to "get in the last word".......

    I don't want to derail the thread, but if anybody has a problem with a mod, it needs to be taken up in private and not aired in a forum. Thanks.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled thread.


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    May 29, 2008
    Golden Triangle
    Google the latest FISA act - McCain voted FOR immunity for companies who violated the 4th amendment.

    zembonez - I am from the planet of critical thought and love of personal liberty. Maybe we should examine mods that open and close a locked thread just to "get in the last word".......

    Call me crazy but..."critical thought" applied to this thread would result in a yey/ney concerning the VP pick for the Republican Party. Your tangent is full of fail. Me, I'd be hard-pressed to come up with a better choice.

    Really shark, look at the big picture. In all probability, the President for 2012 thru 2020 might've just been picked today.

    and on that note:
    Can't wait for a VP debate. It's over for Biden as it is, but if he utters a single word about HIS "baby" (the '94 AWB), then Katie bar the door. Let's hope a question about Heller gets posed :p



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    May 4, 2008
    No your right, there is no good choice. But I'll be damned if I am going to give either one of those domestic enemies my endorsement.

    Remember, McCain was one of those bastages that voted for the unPatriot Act.........

    Without reading it.........

    Both McCain and Obama's wife are on the CFR, that should be enough to kill support for anyone who prefers American sovereignty.......

    Both of these candidates seem to be doing their best to tear this country to pieces. I am just disappointed that these to peices of crap are the best we have to offer......


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Republic of Texas
    Google the latest FISA act - McCain voted FOR immunity for companies who violated the 4th amendment.

    zembonez - I am from the planet of critical thought and love of personal liberty. Maybe we should examine mods that open and close a locked thread just to "get in the last word".......

    Bring it on Sharkman. A mere joke, it was.

    Your reference to the 4th was not missed or necessarily disagreed with... but well over the top in my opinion. Don't take the ramblings so seriously. It would appear that we are mostly on the same side here.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Republic of Texas
    McCain is no knight in shining armor, he is just the lesser of two evils (or so it would appear) Considering the fact that ONE of these TWO will be elected whether we like it or not, we need to get behind the one that appears to be the most on our side.

    I haven't found anybody that doesn't agree with that... YET.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    No your right, there is no good choice. But I'll be damned if I am going to give either one of those domestic enemies my endorsement.

    Remember, McCain was one of those bastages that voted for the unPatriot Act.........

    Without reading it.........

    Both McCain and Obama's wife are on the CFR, that should be enough to kill support for anyone who prefers American sovereignty.......

    Both of these candidates seem to be doing their best to tear this country to pieces. I am just disappointed that these to peices of crap are the best we have to offer......

    I'm on your side buddy. ;) I agree with all that you are saying. I do personally think that Mccain will be less harmful in certain ways to this country, however at the same time there is plenty he can and probably will do to this country to further revert us to a police state and usurp more of our rights. It is just a lose lose no matter how you look at it. I'm voting for RP out of principle (the way it should be). He may seem extreme to some but strict constitutionalism and sound fiscal policies blow anything out of the water that either of the two top candidates can come up with to justify their running. I wish people still voted out of principle these days, as then maybe the candidates would realize they would have to have principles to begin with.

    Wow, their wives are BOTH on the CFR?! I've read a bit into that organization, and it is certainly frightening to say the least. Blatantly anti-American groups like that, that practically admit to working to overthrow the US government should absolutely NOT be protected under the second amendment. That's a whole other subject we could rant on for hours I'm sure. ;)


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    Mar 28, 2008
    As I mentioned elsewhere, I'm excited to see where this goes.

    Re: lack of experience - That's the first thing mentioned. Well to that I say look at the results during that short time in. I also say, look at her approval rating. She's squared off against some heavy issues, and won. As for her global experience, on the surface, not a whole lot. Seems she might can run for POTUS just like B.O. (teeheee) She is the CoC for Alaska Guard, I'd imagine she's as involved as she can be in the military aspect. Overall she has accomplished a good amount in such a short time, with her dynamic character and smarts, McCain can easily pass on his working knowledge on global affairs. I don't see international affairs as too big or a learning curve.

    And before opponents go putting the cart before the horse, remember, she is in fact slated for VP, not Pres as many like to back her into. Seems McCain is one tough man to get rid of.

    I like Palin's common sense approach and her ability to communicate effectively. I think she brings a nice sense of calm collectiveness to the table. And the thing that I hope does last is her lack of 'contamination' with how politics "work".


    Bowling-Pin Commando
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    May 28, 2008
    Mustang Ridge
    Google the latest FISA act - McCain voted FOR immunity for companies who violated the 4th amendment.

    zembonez - I am from the planet of critical thought and love of personal liberty. Maybe we should examine mods that open and close a locked thread just to "get in the last word".......

    OUCH!:D Have a big ol serving of crow anyone?

    Z, You should have read the voting records before posting your little planet comment, because regardless of how you "FEEL" about FISA, it still violates the 4th Amendment.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Republic of Texas
    OUCH!:D Have a big ol serving of crow anyone?

    Z, You should have read the voting records before posting your little planet comment, because regardless of how you "FEEL" about FISA, it still violates the 4th Amendment.

    No crow served here my little friend. I will post exactly as I intend without any coaching, thank you. He is entitled to his opinion and I stand by my post. His view is counterproductive and extreme in my opinion and my opinion is as relevant as his anyday.

    Pretty simple really.

    Every Day Man

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