My New Toy

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  • Texas1911

    TGT Addict
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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    I'm an incredible cheap ass when it comes to buying stuff beyond car parts and guns. However I finally broke down and bought a new toy.


    It's a 50" Pioneer Kuro Elite plasma HDTV. I like it alot, and got a good deal on it.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    Congrats! Next you'll be upgrading cable/fiber/sat. options. :D

    At the first of the year I did the same thing. Went from a 32" tube for the main TV to a 50" Panny then started on home theater stuff. Also being a cheap ass, I saved over $3000 on the plasma, receiver and all 7 speakers and sub. The sub is the only thing I really couldn't dig up a great deal on, but the company sells direct only now and for more than competitive prices compared to others in the higher end market.

    You'll never see the evening new the same way again!


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    Mar 3, 2008
    Austin, Houston
    where is the knob to turn the channel?

    Wow, if the channel changer gets any more difficult to find I may have to get one of those cable boxes with the cable and slide.

    Scared of this 09 digital transition stuff and hoping it won't affect my hi-fi 8-track.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    Wow, if the channel changer gets any more difficult to find I may have to get one of those cable boxes with the cable and slide.

    Scared of this 09 digital transition stuff and hoping it won't affect my hi-fi 8-track.

    Simplicity is king, I have so many wires, remotes, settings, and buttons it takes time to switch between setups. Rather annoying.


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    Mar 5, 2008
    Enjoy the toy!

    HDTV does trip a gripe in me though. In my opinion it's the biggest farce and scam pulled on America in some time. Go to the FCC ( and dig in to their files on how this all came to be. You'll probably get PO'd too. Againin my opinion, lots of fallacies buried in there. In the short end of it all, it's all about the $$.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    Enjoy the toy!

    HDTV does trip a gripe in me though. In my opinion it's the biggest farce and scam pulled on America in some time. Go to the FCC ( and dig in to their files on how this all came to be. You'll probably get PO'd too. Againin my opinion, lots of fallacies buried in there. In the short end of it all, it's all about the $$.

    I'll choose my battles. I got enough stuff that already enrages me.


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    Apr 6, 2008
    inner loop houston
    as much as i respect your opinion, i think the digital transistion is a good thing. we have to advance and continue to move forward, the change from cassette tape to cd, vhs to dvd, all are positives. IMO, and please no offense, the ones that are complaining about it are the cheapos who dont want to upgrade, again no offense, but spend buttloads of money on other expenses such as coffee, junk food, cigarettes, beer, etc.

    Enjoy the toy!

    HDTV does trip a gripe in me though. In my opinion it's the biggest farce and scam pulled on America in some time. Go to the FCC ( and dig in to their files on how this all came to be. You'll probably get PO'd too. Againin my opinion, lots of fallacies buried in there. In the short end of it all, it's all about the $$.


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    Apr 6, 2008
    inner loop houston
    alan im assuming its 1080P?? i got a LCD back on black friday for roughly $600. 1080i though but beats the hell out of what i had before!!

    goooood tv + ps3 = winnnn!


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    Mar 5, 2008

    At first I wasn't going to say anything, but now maybe I will.

    First no offense taken. I will add that I am not a cheapo. I just dislike being forced into something such as this.

    I am not saying digital is bad. What gripes me is the way this was all transpired - goes back a fair number of years, all essentially out of the publics scrutiny (fcc calls for public commentary that you wouldn't have known about unless you were looking for it, etc.). It's just another example of forcing something down our throats in order to make a buck.The broadcast industry was given the spectrum they operate on to hold it "in the public interest". NOT conjure up some "new" way of doing things to cram more signals into the alloted bandwidth to make a few more bucks.

    Just like so many other things, it just ticks me off. Maybe I should have not gotten on my soapbox to begin with.

    I really do hope that those that get into the technology do enjoy it, but I won't upgrade until my present 35" 3:4 analog TV dies. Until then the gov can buy me a converter or two! (Maybe I can hope that the gov will pass the bill to the broadcast industry!!!)


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    May 9, 2008
    North Zulch, TX
    It really only matters if you get your programming via an antenna. If you subscribe to cable or sattelite you already have a converted signal and your analog tv's will continue to work until those providers decide to go strictly digital and do away with their conversion. It was done in a shady way, I'll agree but as long as providers don't screw us we don't have to convert until we choose to. This is why you need an HD receiver to utilize your hdtv to its potential. I personally upgraded a few years back, but I used to be a bit of a tech head until my wife had our son.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    alan im assuming its 1080P?? i got a LCD back on black friday for roughly $600. 1080i though but beats the hell out of what i had before!!

    goooood tv + ps3 = winnnn!

    720P / 1080i ... it will also process 1080P signal.

    I saw no need to spend another $1300 for the 1080P version, especially when there is very little discernible difference unless you are close to the TV.

    I bought my mom a 42" Samsung Plasma for mother's day and it was $697.
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