Never woulda thunk it. . "Gun sales could predict Obama defeat"

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  • nalioth

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    Oct 13, 2008
    Houston Metro
    We’re utterly fascinated by this.

    In 2004, we don’t remember hearing about anyone scared Kerry was going to take their guns away - and we worked Pennsylvania for Kerry (Pittsburgh area). There were a lot of gun shops and firing ranges there, and we never heard anything about people stocking up on guns because they were scared Kerry was going to try to take them away.

    Obama is perceived as more liberal than Kerry, and in fact the most liberal Democrat that’s run for president in as long as anyone can remember. Biden as VP makes this the most liberal ticket that Democrats have ever fielded.

    There is nothing about it that puts the bitter, gun-and-relgion-people-who-are-apathetic-to-those-not-like-them living in Pennsylvania at ease.

    Absolutely nothing.

    In fact, the thought of Obama becoming president freaks these people out. So much so that they’re stocking up on firearms.

    We just don’t see how this can bode well for Obama.

    These are “Reagan Democrats” and Republicans. They’re Clinton Democrats too. And they recoil at the thought of an Obama administration.

    Have you ever heard of anything like this? We checked, and can’t see any evidence of this in past elections — where the Democrat so freaked rural, working class, sportsman types out that they felt compelled to stock up on weapons to protect themselves.

    We think this is a piece of a larger puzzle…one that’s becoming much more clear as we inch closer to November 4th:

    (1) Democrats like us at HillBuzz are working with Republicans for the first time in our lives to elect John McCain/Sarah Palin because we do not like or trust Obama/Biden.

    (2) Hillary Democrats not openly working for McCain are silently voting for him — and voting Republican for the first time in their lives in most cases.

    (3) Early voting has not met Obama’s expectations — Republicans are tied or ahead in most states, and nowhere is Obama enjoying blowout advantages he claimed he’d have.

    (4) In all states, there is a marked “enthusiasm gap” between support for Obama and support remembered for Kerry in 2004 or Gore in 2000…lack of yard signs, stickers, posters, and excitement to vote for Obama, despite what the media claims.

    (5) Gun owners afraid of Obama, and stocking up on weapons because they are that freaked out by the thought of anyone voting for him.

    We’d love your thoughts on that last one, as we think it could be a cultural barometer like the Family Circle cookie baking contest or Halloween mask sales — something that shows a large scale cultural like or dislike of a candidate.

    All of these anecdotal signs point to a McCain win…with those gun sales being the most fascinating of all.

    Because those gun owners are the heart of the country. If Obama hasn’t won them over, and instead seems to have driven them away, screaming, then we just don’t see how he wins.
    The above is from a Hillary Clinton fansite/blog/whatever you want to call it (but call it Democrat).
    Original article


    TGT Addict
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    Mar 28, 2008
    Interesting take - using sales as an election barometer.

    As for Hillary- no doubt wants to run in '12 and who would she happily contest than Republicans in office McCain/Palin. Its been suggested that an all female Presidential campaign could be in store for '12 with a Palin vs Clinton showdown.

    TJ Willy

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    Oct 27, 2008
    Wichita Falls
    Interesting take. If this is so, that only lays claim to the fact that the liberal media is really skewing the polls. That or the Repubs are just not being asked.

    FWIW, there was no exit poll when I early voted. I would not have told them how I voted anyway.


    TGT Addict
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    Mar 28, 2008
    Interesting take. If this is so, that only lays claim to the fact that the liberal media is really skewing the polls. That or the Repubs are just not being asked.

    FWIW, there was no exit poll when I early voted. I would not have told them how I voted anyway.

    I had the news on as background noise earlier and caught the info that this year there are over 700polls this far in the election. In the previous election year in '04 there were just under 300 total.

    As the news went from FOX to Nightly News with Couric her opening line was "...and a new poll out today has Obama leading by...". The thing that clicked in her sentence was "new". Aha! That's it! The letftist media FIND these polls and information and use them as they need them to pursuade watchers - propaganda. So, BO could very well be leading in polls, and because of such shoddy "pollsters" and their lack of credible information, thats where we get such HUGE margins. And this of course is done on purpose to mislead, whether its the pollsters (probably) and the MSM using them (even more likely) to beat down to the masses "this is what's happening, game over". So, the media just takes this random information because it suits their agenda and "reports" it.

    What I gather is, anyone with an internet connection and a keyboard can make a poll. Anyone with an internet connection and keyboard can be "a blogger". Anyone with an internet connection, regardless of credibility, history, affiliation, personal standards or education can puke out information to be construed as anything to anyone. Credentials and credibility be damned, anything on the internet is used as fact by the media in order to push their point., election takes place....

    Ok, lets say McCain pulls out a win, just like in '04 when the election was "stolen", you can surely bet that liberals/democrats/left MSM are just building up this bubble, keep pumping air into this cathartic bubble (bubble sound familiar?) that when BO loses, there is going to be such upheavel and anger. Because after all, BO was leading by this "huge margin" that the Republicans just had to have cheated in order to win. Thus creating yet another scapegoat and target of hatred like the did with Bush. Democrats are such con artists and the citizens are just pawns that keep suckling from the devil's teet. There will be charges of racism. Tampering with ballots. Repressed ballots. Lets not forget the all popular conspiracy theory. It will just be anything and everything that the Democrats can on the Republicans as far as charges go, they will reach into their pockets and do it. More smoke, more lights to create mayhem.

    Edit: geez alou - sorry, I didn't know I had a conspiracy theory section in me but it seems I do! :1zhelp: :p

    Speaking of polls, not once have I ever been polled. I imagine there's going to be a large generation in gap in the number of people reached vs the number of people there actually are. Demographics, geographical location play a huge part in polls and fact of the matter is, a lot of people are not reached and its those "silent" groups that change the numbers.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Sales are up 200 percent from last month at my gunshop.Most of the sales are ARs,AKs and pistols with hi cap mags.We also have not been able to keep .223 or 7.62x39 ammo in stock.


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    Jul 15, 2008
    Red River, Texas
    Harry says: "...that ain't the way I heard it!"

    FWIW...just ordered a new puppy--RRA-LAR-8. (I like its 7.62 Bark & Bite)

    Factory says today, NOV, 2008, they are shipping orders backdated from JAN 2008!


    The "media's" polls are pure BS.
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