Newest Wilson is Ready

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  • LHB1

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    Mar 4, 2008
    Just got word from Becky at Sporting Arms that my new Wilson 4" Professional is ready. I will drive up to get it tomorrow and shoot it Thur and Fri. Will try to take and post a couple of pics ASAP. This is my first non-5" 1911 and must admit that I am a little antsy even though Wilson has a fine reputation for producing fully reliable pistols.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    You mean Sporting Arms? If so, that's worth the drive up 45. Congrats!!

    Yes, thank you. Was I excited or just having a senior moment? Who knows? But I DID get the pistol today and will be shooting it tomorrow and Fri. Will try to post a range report and perhaps a pic or two. Have already replaced the black Wilson grips with some really nice Esmeralda checkered Cocobolo grips and hex head grip screws. That little 4 inch 20# recoil spring feels so much stronger than the 5 inch 16# springs. May take some getting used to for this old man.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    Yes, thank you. Was I excited or just having a senior moment? Who knows? But I DID get the pistol today and will be shooting it tomorrow and Fri. Will try to post a range report and perhaps a pic or two. Have already replaced the black Wilson grips with some really nice Esmeralda checkered Cocobolo grips and hex head grip screws. That little 4 inch 20# recoil spring feels so much stronger than the 5 inch 16# springs. May take some getting used to for this old man.

    Ya, we need to see pics. :D

    Tom and Becky are only about 3-4 miles from me. I know a lot of people do business on-line with them but it's a bonus to be close enough to drop by. Wish I had the surplus $$ to keep standing orders with them for new ones. I'm working on picking up another pre-owned Kimber Combat Carry from a friend so I won't even need a transfer this time.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Range Report and Pics: Wilson Professional

    The new Wilson Professional pistol from Sporting Arms has passed its initial firing range session with flying colors!!! This is my first 4" 1911 and three things are already apparent about this gun:

    1) It is totally reliable to this point and I expect that to continue. Have fired 225 rounds thru the gun with no bobbles at all. Ammo fired was:
    - 100 rounds Win White Box 230 gr solid ball jacketed ammo
    - 25 rounds Win HP 230 gr jacketed ammo
    - 100 rounds handloads with 200 gr H&G #68 LSWC bullet.

    2) It is extremely accurate, shooting into a ragged hole at 20 yds when I exercise proper trigger control and sight alignment. Better than that, the POI = POA at that distance with ammo used.

    3) The gun is very sensitive to sight mis-alignment or poor trigger control, apparently due to the short barrel. I got a few more fliers out in the nine ring than I normally get with the 5" Wilson pistols.

    OK, now for the requisite pics. I have already replaced the black Wilson grips with a pair of Esmeralda's Cocobolo grips (magwell style):



    ps: The Sporting Goods Inc store mentioned in an earlier post was an older gun store in Houston which closed some years back. As JKTex surmised, I really bought the pistol from Becky Harris at Sporting Arms in the Dallas metroplex area.

    Sporting Goods Inc was a gun/sports store in Houston but closed some years ago.
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