Plastic Knuckles

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  • Longtooths

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    Mar 12, 2008
    Irving, Texas
    They have been around for YEARS. They are going to be no bigger a problem than any other weapon that has been around for YEARS. It is the media's job to look for things to keep the sheeple scared. Apparently they are doing a good job with some of us :rolleyes:


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    I don't really like the fact that it can be carried onto an airplane. Then again you could make polycarbonate shanks and all kinds of other weapons. Just look at prison, when the imagination is put to task they can, and will, come up with a solution. Hell they turn magazines into shanks.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    The thing I keep coming back to is it's a piece of plastic basically. Actually banning a piece of plastic is a pretty ridiculous concept. Also, I love how the reporter kept talking about how easily he got through the metal detector with them..........they're F'in plastic for God's sake of course it won't set the detector off. People need to not get worried about a piece of plastic and learn to dodge punches. ;) I'm joking of course but, you get the idea.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    Also, I love how the reporter kept talking about how easily he got through the metal detector with them..........they're F'in plastic for God's sake of course it won't set the detector off.

    Yeah I was kinda awestruck at the level of mental retardation involved in producing that clip.

    Austin Cowart

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    Mar 5, 2008
    Lumberton Texas

    I don't really like the fact that it can be carried onto an airplane. Then again you could make polycarbonate shanks and all kinds of other weapons. Just look at prison, when the imagination is put to task they can, and will, come up with a solution. Hell they turn magazines into shanks.
    and if you really want to do it right there are always the cold steel nightshade plastic knives or heck just go with a ceramic blade.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    and if you really want to do it right there are always the cold steel nightshade plastic knives or heck just go with a ceramic blade.

    They should just chop off hands and feet at the security gate, and knock out your teeth. That'd keep everyone's drooling Neanderthal brained kid safe!


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Good idea.I think I will apply with TSA.I'll knock out the teeth with those plastic knuckles.


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    Jun 23, 2008
    Spring, Texas
    The guy was a might hard on that head of cabbage. But then, I have to wonder, do I need brass or plastic knuckles to crush a head of lettuce? I doubt it, but it'll give me something to do tonight. Hey Honey! We're havin' coleslaw!


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    Feb 14, 2009
    Central Texas, Williamson County
    this is going to be a problem, as they can't been seen by metal detectors and as the video shows do, do damage to anything it hits.


    I fear no plastic knuckles as I have my sledge o matic which also cannot be seen by a metal detector. Of course I have to dress it up and call it son to get past those sharp TSA employees.
    YouTube - Gallagher Busts out the Sledge-o-matic for X107.5 and The West Ohio Food Bank[/URL]

    M. Sage

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    Jan 21, 2009
    San Antonio
    Actually banning a piece of plastic is a pretty ridiculous concept.

    They're banned in California. Funny thing is, that if you "ban" plastic knuckles, you accidentally ban a lot of motorcycle gloves. I'd see gloves with the hard plastic armor on them in shops and shake my head. All it would take is the wrong cop on the right night, and your traffic ticket is suddenly a felony rap.

    I'm so glad I got out of California!

    I might have to get something like these, just to celebrate.
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