Police Scanners

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  • chevydeerhunter

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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    Anybody into police scanners? I was at the local Radio Shack and there was one on display. Some of what I heard was pretty interesting. I figured I could use one to monitor what's going on in my neighborhood especially since I live two houses down from a park and this is the time of year that stuff goes on after hours there.

    I'll probably be hitting ebay for some deals since I'm not looking for a top of the line model. I'm wanting a handheld model since it'll primarily be used within city limits so reception shouldn't be a problem.

    Any suggestions of what to go with and what to stay away from?


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    Mar 5, 2008
    Far, far, far North Dallas
    Lots of fun at times. Uniden and Radio Shack make good stuff in my experience.

    Be aware that many agencies use radio systems that are trunked and many are now digital. Scanners that can pick these signals up are in the 4-500 dollar range. From what I have seen on other radio boards they can be a handful to program also.The old analogue radios, especially the hand held ones can be had for less than $200. If your into NASCAR listening to the drivers is half the fun of going to the races.

    I can't hear my local sheriff's department, the largest city in the county or DPS anymore because they have gone digital.(I miss the old DPS car to car channel) Luckily our local PD, EMS, county fire, the two biggest cities in the county and an adjacent counties EMS and fire are still analogue. Lots of aircraft traffic out there too.

    Hit the local garage sales. I picked up a Uniden Bearcat 145xl for $3.00. Frequencies are a google search away. Seems like most of todays high speed low drag type officers don't have the sense of humor their brothers in uniform did 10-15 years ago there is still lots of cool stuff out there.

    Take the plunge..........it's worth it.


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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    I was watching a trunking scanner on ebay that went for pretty cheap. I didn't jump on it because I was just testing the waters. I think we're still analog around here so it looks like I can get into it pretty cheap.
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