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  • htxred

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    Apr 6, 2008
    inner loop houston
    For the most part, i stopped keeping targets after the 2nd or 3rd month of when i first started shooting. i figured out it was pointless and could hold a liability if something happened.

    But every now and then, usually when i get a new gun, i like to snap a pic of the target to show how much the gun outshot me... :D

    my latest one was with my STI ranger II, got it friday. took it to topgun saturday, even though i really wanted to go to shiloh, but it was bad timing with the wife's haircut appt. but i decided to just test itout so i only brought like 75 rounds. 15-20min of shooting. mostly reloading with 1 magazine :eek:


    1-4: warmup at 9ft
    headshots: 21ft
    heart: 25ft

    spicy... but my groups could be a bit better eh? lozl.

    anyways, if you got em, post em.


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    May 29, 2008
    American Shooting Centers - Houston, TX
    (50yd bench/Iron Sights/RRA CAR-15)

    Ok, so I don't know if these are worthy to be posted, but I thought they were some good shooting. For me at least!!

    Shot a total of (3x) 10rd Mags. These are my two targets out of the three. My third scored a 97. Ignore all the covered holes. I was sharing and reusing 5 targets with the fiance & brother.




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    Apr 2, 2008
    Austin TX
    10 rounds of home brewed .308.
    200 yards. 10 rounds in less than 60 sec.
    93 F.

    Shot from 'Sgnt Pepper' a 1924 Mauser rebuilt with a lurid stock and a stainless bull barrel.


    jim t

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    Mar 4, 2008
    Hawley Texas
    my son was siteing in the new scope on my new AR on this target. at 100 yards

    here is the one after he got it zeroed in

    he then proceeded to test it on the six inch gong at 250 yards and hit it 4 out of five times. sorry to say it was him and not me:mad:


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    Apr 5, 2008
    Frisco, Texas
    CZ 75B & MP 40 caliber.

    These shots were done with my CZ 75B (left) and my S & W MP 40 (right) standing with a two hand grip at approximately 50 feet give or take a few feet. The slightly longer barrel of the CZ made a slight difference but in later shoots the MP did just as well as the CZ. I was shooting against myself to make it fair. And I won!!!
    These two guns are my favorite range guns. I like the MP so much I will be buying the MP 9Pro with a 5" barrel, 4.5 lb trigger and Fiber Optic front sight as soon as it's available.



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    May 25, 2008
    This target was shot by my teenage daughter. 200 yard prone; no rest or bipod but using sling only; no optics, iron sights; rapid fire: 10 shots in 35 seconds. AR15

    Target was a 300 yard target reduced for 200 yards, so the black circle for the sight picture is only 12". Target rotated 90 deg for the photo, there was almost no horizontal spread.

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    Apr 14, 2008
    This target was shot by my teenage daughter. 200 yard prone; no rest or bipod but using sling only; no optics, iron sights; rapid fire: 10 shots in 35 seconds. AR15

    Target was a 300 yard target reduced for 200 yards, so the black circle for the sight picture is only 12". Target rotated 90 deg for the photo, there was almost no horizontal spread.


    Wow! That's great Ira. Way to go Brunetti!
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