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  • MrKimber44

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    Feb 22, 2008
    The FAL is a good rifle but what do you mean by the "right arm of the free world"? Because I think I disagree. :p


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    The FN FAL has become the right arm of Africa in large part.

    The FN and the G3 have gone the way of the do do bird. Good rifles, but replaced by plastic.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    I Like FAL's. My response is this:



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    Feb 29, 2008
    Between Houston and Beaumont
    Keeping in mind that I am biased as all get out........

    The FNFAL was adopted by some 90 countries (I need to go look at my data to confirm that, but I am close) as a main battle rifle. There is a Texas rifle (FNFAL) name of "Old Dirty" that is running at upwards of 15K rounds without a cleaning. No failures of any sort thus far. I cut my teeth on internet forums on FalFiles. I found out from this group of Falaholics that the FNFAL is second to none. I now have four and have built-owned over a dozen variants.

    Dang fine rifles IMHO.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    The FNFAL was adopted by some 90 countries (I need to go look at my data to confirm that, but I am close) as a main battle rifle. There is a Texas rifle (FNFAL) name of "Old Dirty" that is running at upwards of 15K rounds without a cleaning. No failures of any sort thus far. I cut my teeth on internet forums on FalFiles. I found out from this group of Falaholics that the FNFAL is second to none. I now have four and have built-owned over a dozen variants.

    Dang fine rifles IMHO.

    The older 7.62 battle rifles are just awesome at what they do. The style of war is what has changed the demand. We no longer have the long open engagements where a long barreled 7.62 rifle like the M14, G3, and FAL really shine.

    I too like the FAL, haven't had a chance to shoot one yet, but I like the older generation of battle rifles. The M14 being my favorite of the generation.

    Since your up to speed on them can you break them down as far as action, take down, accuracy, neat features, etc.?


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    Feb 29, 2008
    Between Houston and Beaumont
    Well sir, the FAL has a direct impingement gas operating system. Meaning, there s a piston that directly contacts the bolt carrier and pushes it back to commence the self loading cycle. As compared to an AR (indirect impingement) that craps where it eats, this makes, IMO the FAL to be immediately superior in design.

    As far as chambering, the 7.62 speaks for itself, so enough said there, except,,,,

    "Hit heavy, hit hard, 7.62 NATO"

    The FAL is a little on the heavy side as compared to other battle rifles. Many of us FAL proponents say that one must be a "Man among Men to carry a FAL."

    My name is Jerry, and I am a Falaholic. (acquired another just today)


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    Nice, that thing is a hoss to carry. The soldiers these days get 100 lbs. of other crap to carry with their 5 lb. loaded rifles. I'd much prefer to carry a 12 lb. rifle and 20 lbs. in a ruck sack, hehe.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    I'm sure I'll catch crap for this, but I really believe the Garand and 1903 saved the world. Seriously. You know, on second thought, I better not catch any crap. :mad:


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    Mar 7, 2008
    Parker County
    I only have one FAL so far (they are like 1911 pistols, hard to own just one!) but without a doubt it is the most fun-to-shoot rifle I've ever had. Here are some pictures of my girls with it:


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