S&W model 910

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  • mac79912

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    Mar 4, 2008

    I bought this Smith and Wesson 910 for $180.It is in 95% condition and came with three 15 round mags and a holster.I went to the range to shoot it and put 250 rounds thru the gun without any problems.The guy who brought it in needed money for his divorce and the gun shop only offered him $50.I told the guy to leave before he got screwed and that I would give him $180 if he called me later in the day.Well he took my advice and I got the gun cheap and was able to help someone who would have gotten robbed.


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    Mar 7, 2008
    Parker County
    I bought this Smith and Wesson 910 for $180.It is in 95% condition and came with three 15 round mags and a holster.I went to the range to shoot it and put 250 rounds thru the gun without any problems.The guy who brought it in needed money for his divorce and the gun shop only offered him $50.I told the guy to leave before he got screwed and that I would give him $180 if he called me later in the day.Well he took my advice and I got the gun cheap and was able to help someone who would have gotten robbed.

    My wife has the same gun in stainless (910S) and it is a great shooter. You got a good deal for sure!


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    Mar 4, 2008
    I am glad that I had the extra money.He only needed $120 but I gave him more because I have been thru the big "D" and I don't mean Dallas.
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