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  • JKTex

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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    Shooting involving delivery driver going to grand jury | Chronicle | - Houston Chronicle

    This article is pretty brief. I saw it on the news while in Houston over the weekend.

    The pieces the article doesn't cover are, the guy had apparently completed a CHL course but does not yet have it and they supposedly got into some confrontation from behind the wheel and he made it to the store and inside dropping papers off when the other guy came in. The whole thing is strange.

    Anyhow, on the news they said that LE had said he had a right to protect himself so there won't be any charges based on that. But they said he didn't have a CHL. Sounds like technically, unlawful carry if he carried it into the store.

    So to me, it sounds like the Grand Jury could very well nail him; and probably should. Possibly carrying without actually having his CHL, shot a customer and missed the guy with a knife. Just sounds damn careless and he'll likely face some charges and may at least be kissing his CHL goodbye. Who knows, but he screwed up.

    I'd like to hear "the rest of the story" though.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    HCSO: Road Rage Leads To Innocent Woman Being Shot In Store -

    There's a more complete article. It pretty much follows the TV coverage. Well, almost....

    "Guadalupe Carlos was in the store at the time."I ran and hid," she said."

    Actually, Guadalupe Carlos didn't speak a lick of English. The reporter said that's what she said...if you believe them. :p I'm surprised they quoted her but translated it. I thought journalism protocol didn't allow that....who knows, I'm not a journalist.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    I just dont envy him the civil suite he is probably facing....

    I think from that perspective, he may be one lucky bastard. If a Grand Jury finds that it was not justified self defense (they have surveillance video etc. that is being considered in the investigation) then he's open game for the lady who he shot. And if it stands as justified SD, the lady ma still have a civil case even if the paper guy is protected. And the DA is not taking action except to let a GJ have at it.

    The thing that has me perplexed, the guy that came after him had a knife. If a guy with a knife, discovers the guy he's going after has a gun, I'd think he'd make sure to be 3-4' or more away, and quick. He's an instant loser if he doesn't.

    And if the guy was close enough to be an immediate threat with a knife, he was close enough not to miss with a shot, no matter how scared the shooter was. If he couldn't handle a gun at that distance, and be accurate, he didn't need to be carrying, and it did not serve the purpose it's intended to and an innocent bystander got shot.

    To me this is a set back to people who carry responsibly and good ammo for anti's.

    I do agree also, he probably at least should get popped a UCW charge. Unless he took it out of his car because the guy was coming after him and he felt he was a serious threat.
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