Should Texas secede

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  • ducksps

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    Mar 3, 2008
    Austin, Houston

    Not for reasons related to Obama but just as we could make a much better go of things on our own. Different areas have their own views which at times are separate from Texas. They have every right to those views, but perhaps if we had our defined borders we would not be such a bother to them where they wish to change our way of life.


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    May 28, 2008
    Ft Worth, TX
    " Based on the fact that the U.S. Constitution does not prohibit secession, some would interpret any state’s status as part of the United States as being voluntary. Supporting this view is language in the original Texas Constitution of 1836, which was repeated in the post-Reconstruction Texas Constutiton of 1876, declaring that, “(The people) have at all times the inalienable right to alter their government in such manner as they might think proper.”
    A U.S. Supreme Court decision rendered in 1869 seems to obviate these persistent claims to sovereignty. Commenting on its 5-3 decision on Texas v. White, Chief Justice Salmon Chase stated that the Union is “composed of indestructable states,” and established on behalf of the high court of the land that secession is illegal. " That Texas Magazine - Articles

    Just sayin.............


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    Jul 25, 2008
    Texas Gulf Coast
    Texas wouldn't be allowed to secede any more then any individual would be allowed to no longer pay taxes. We are a cash cow and held by force if we ever try to be an independent nation again.


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    Jul 13, 2008
    Ok, Obama has stated he will create a new America according to his agenda per the Hard Core Liberal Democrats, This agenda will be unlike no other, as is the president elect. He has no real agenda because he will make it up as he pursues a definite hard line liberal movement which most of America will not tolerate with exception the minorities (with the voting power) with the illusion of the "Promised Land" will follow. He will and can impose strong line ideology relating to the new American path. He is allowing a popular vote with out a roadmap and definite hard line in regards to altering our given rights be it any of them. In essence creating a new agenda and trading our rights collectively to suit a new ideology.

    “Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed...
    Whenever government becomes destructive to life, liberty, or property [i.e., the
    pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it...
    It is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide
    new guards for their future security.”
    — American Declaration of Independence (1776)


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    Aug 11, 2008

    No I do not think we should secede, although we could, but rather I would like to hold our Texas officials accountable and responsible. If the Federal Government issues laws, statement... that go against our right as citizens of a free country then I expect our elected officials to stand up for us. The Federal Government is not there to run State Governments. They, the Federal Government, have overrun its responsibilities and we have let them. It is time to say Whoa this is our State so keep you noses out of our business. But, then again, we are talking politics and power.


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    Jun 8, 2008
    Can you imagine if all the "red" states along with Colorado and New Mexico seceded and formed a new country! I bet Oregon and Washingto would also secede as well.


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    Nov 8, 2008
    There are just as many left wing nut jobs in Washington and Oregon as there is in California. The West coast is a loss cause. What is more likely is that some would move to Mexico much like many Southern Civil War soldiers did. There was even a plan for a Confederate army to overtake Mexico.

    I say we plant our feet and fight it out.

    Jeff B

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    May 28, 2008
    Flower Mound, TX
    It's not just Texas... take a look at the electoral map. There is a sea of red (New Mexico is a low earning state that liked Obama's welfare ideas). THere is a long way to go, BUT, I beleive that we are seeing a deeper and deeper polarization between the regions of the country. Obama was a slick speaker and got alot of folks on his band wagon. You let things percolate a little and that 53% of the popular vote won't hold up.

    The previous contributors are correct in that there have been opinions held about the rights of the states to secede, but, they were written soon after the Civil War (let's not debate if that was legal/constitutional, it happened) in a different climate and time.

    A combination of actions and circumstances could create a situation for a large part of the heartland to be inclined to loosen or even cut their ties to the central government. The most counter productive and least likely method to succeed would be through violence. A scenario that had states moving away from the central government, through declarations/resolutions and avoid scrupulously any implication of violence would create a lose/lose for the central government. First, an act of aggression or violence would establish a cause and reason for violence and secondly and most importantly, it would do more to damage and cripple any Federal forces because of the internal strife and dissent that would come with an order to attack current or recent US Citizens. You can also throw in the fact that most of the liberal/socialist "leaders" don't have the brass balls it would take to undertake a campaign of internal suppression.

    Just my opinions... Food for thought.

    Jeff B.


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    Mar 6, 2008
    THere is a long way to go, BUT, I beleive that we are seeing a deeper and deeper polarization between the regions of the country.

    Agree, our Constitution hangs by a thread now and as our population grows mostly from third world countries we will continue to fragment
    we have far too many people who owe no allegiance to the USA. I do hope I'm wrong but the path we're on appears to be a bad one and can only end in a breakup of our country.:(


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    Nov 11, 2008
    Deep in the Heart of Texas
    I could see the breakup being a temporary situation. We'de just need to detach from the socialists so they couldn't suck all of our resources out, let them self destruct and then go back and reclaim the country - this time with new rules.... like only landowners or similar type restriction get to vote.

    I hate to say it but letting the idiotic "peasants" vote is what's gotten us to this situation in the first place. People that don't have any clue what is going on - who is really running for election and what their actual record is, etc... they should not be give the keys to our contry's (our children's) future.


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    Mar 6, 2008
    Basically we need a new school system one geared toward conservative
    patriotic principals, the liberal left have controlled our public schools
    for over 30 years and we now see what it has done. If you love your kids
    and your country do all you can to provide an education outside of our
    present system it may be the only hope America has.


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    Nov 11, 2008
    Deep in the Heart of Texas
    Well oldguy, the main problem we have is the federal NEA that DICTATES to the schools. My wife is a department head in a middle school. I know all about it. We might be able to make some headway with the state curriculum but that is subject to federal guidelines....

    So, maybe we will have to remove the federal influence to make real headway...
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