Snubby suggestions

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  • fm2

    Event Coordinator
    Apr 27, 2008
    I have had the good fortune to talk to some very smart & talented folks with regards to the carry of the J-frame or snubby revolver. It is truely a testiment to their work with these small revolvers that their performance is so impressive.

    HeadHunter recommended the following modifications to me:

    1) Chamfer the chamber mouths to facilitate reloading. I do my own. Most gunsmiths just break the edge but I cut away much more material than they usually do.

    2) Paint the front sight with either red or green paint, depending on which shows up better to your eye. Stainless guns with fixed sights should have the rear face of the rear notch blackened with a magic marker.

    3) Get a set of grips that fit your hand. Not smooth. That business of checkered grips catching your clothing doesn't wash with me. Smooth grips on a snub will start squirming out of your hand after the first shot. If the distance from the web of your hand to the outermost joint of your trigger finger is 3 1/2 inches or more, for a J-frame you will probably need grips that cover the backstrap.

    4) Dry fire the revolver several thousand times to smooth the trigger pull. You also get quite a bit of trigger manipulation practice this way.


    Mar 4, 2008
    I put some Hogue grips on my wifes taurus 85 as the factory grips were too small.The grips had a little more room and an extra finger groove.

    Army 1911

    TGT Addict
    Mar 17, 2008
    Dallas Texas or so
    Chamfering the cylinder is a good idea as long as not too much is done because too much will distort the case and can make extraction difficult. Not to mention reloading. How much speed reloading will you be doing? Are you planning extended gun fights?

    Just my .02
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