SS says no guns at McCain NRA event

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  • zaraster

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    Mar 19, 2008

    Secret Service: No guns allowed at NRA event with John McCain
    06:10 PM EDT on Thursday, May 15, 2008

    Louisville, Ky. (WHAS11) - It's expected to bring some 60,000 people to Louisville and some prominent political figures, including presidential candidate John McCain.

    The NRA convention starts Friday at the Kentucky Exposition Center.
    We first told you on WHAS11 news that guns would be allowed at Friday's event with McCain. Now we've learned that's changed.
    The south wing was bustling with activity Thursday, the day before the National Rifle Association Convention opens in Louisville. Workers set up 8,000 chairs for the sold-out program featuring Republican presidential candidate John McCain.
    Are you bothered by the secret service banning guns from the NRA event featuring John McCain?
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    Guns are not barred from the state-owned south wing of the Fairgrounds Convention Center and John McCain's campaign folks said it was fine with them if NRA members with valid concealed carry permits brought guns into his speech. But since our story last week, the Secret Service has stepped in.
    But NRA members who walk through the doors will be greeted by metal detectors, they won't be allowed to carry in weapons, even if they have a valid concealed carry permit.
    According to an NRA spokesperson, Secret Service members have stepped in and said while firearms will still be allowed in the convention center, they will not be allowed in the Celebration of American Values Forum.
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