student stops shooter

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  • 300shooter

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    Mar 6, 2008
    I just finished reading a story about the shooting in Jerusalem today, where a Student stopped the shooter ,here is the link to the story,7340,L-3516039,00.html

    See if we had a legal way to carry at our schools and collages we might have the same outcome for the shootings we have had over the past years

    That's why I would like to see addressed in the near future, if you have a CHL you should be able to carry anywhere in the state.

    I support Concealed carry in Schools ,Collages,Court houses and any place that doesn't serve drinks only.

    I know I am going away from the general view point of some of my brothers and sisters in Law Enforcement but a Armed and trained citizen is going to be aware of there since of well being.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Wow, 2 shots to the head and the guy was still going?! Something doesn't sound right about that. Even with a 9mm that's still going to end someone's day unless he was so lucky both shots just grazed him.


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    Mar 6, 2008
    that's what got me thinking , but if it put him down and the other shot was just to finish him off , who knows . the news is not always the best place to get the full informed information.

    But still my point is that he had a weapon and stopped the mad gun man before he was able to kill 10 ,15 or more that day.

    I am hoping that someday we as private citizens can carry our own protection anywhere and not relay on the over worked Police that have a Avg. response time of 6 to 15 minutes for most major cities. So you think you are going to be ok when you call 911 I say don't think that.

    I will get off the soap box and let others voice there opinion on this.


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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    I'm with you Sheriff. Somebody has a saying in their signature that reads, and I'm paraphrasing, "I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy." The odds are that a LEO is several minutes away, but if everybody is allowed to carry, there will be at least one good gun available to knock off some deranged idiot intent on getting his/her sordid point across. I'm certainly not knocking the LE community, but my point is that they can't be everywhere all the time. If a gun is pointed in my direction, I'd rather have my own sidearm or any one of you armed guys on this board available at that moment than a 911 operator on my cell phone ANY day. That's just my $.02


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    Feb 29, 2008
    BBC and CBS news

    BBC news made mention of the student doing the shooting of the bad guy.

    Was curious if CBS evening news would mention it. Nope....

    Goes against their and others agenda.....

    Army 1911

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    Mar 17, 2008
    Dallas Texas or so
    BBC news made mention of the student doing the shooting of the bad guy.

    Was curious if CBS evening news would mention it. Nope....

    Goes against their and others agenda.....

    CBS news is an oxymoron-- staffed by morons
    Clinton Broadcasting System
    Communist Broadcasting System

    If you want real news -- well I don't know where to get it anymore. Sigh
    Where's Walter Winchell when you need him?:mad:


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    Mar 17, 2008
    Tomball, TX
    Getting ready for work this morning I heard a story on the local news about one of the local colleges implementing a cell phone text bursting system in the event of an emergency.

    While this is a perfectly good plan to have in place, it's an impotent reaction to events like Virginia Tech. One intelligent responsible armed student in that classroom could've possibly stopped that event early on instead of it going as far as it did.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Hmm, a cell phone text-bursting system. I like how people like this can't ask themselves the simple question, "Will this stop bullets". The answer is a big hell no! ;) They could at least put well-trained armed guards on campus that are trained and tasked with running to the gun fire to try and stop whatever is happening. Rather than them and cops "pulling back", setting up a perimeter, and waiting for SWAT as it seems normally happens.


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    Feb 23, 2008
    We've got the option for the text messages in case of an emergency...It'll probably work as much as UPD. If there was a shooter on campus, none of them could get there fast enough cause they are all either out of shape or old. I say at least let some of our professors have guns...I know a couple of mine would be able to do some good.


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    Apr 19, 2008
    Leon Valley, TX
    Great ammo for the carry on schools debate is the success that civilians/students had with assisting police during the Charles Whitman incident.

    Ray Martinez: The Call Me Ranger Ray. Morgan Printing. "I was and am still upset that more recognition has not been given to the citizens who pulled out their hunting rifles and returned the sniper's fire. The City of Austin and the State of Texas should be forever thankful and grateful to them because of the many lives they saved that day. The sniper did a lot of damage when he could fire freely, but when the armed citizens began to return fire the sniper had to take cover. He had to shoot out of the rainspouts and that limited his targets. I am grateful to the citizens because they made my job easier."

    Whenever I make mention of that, antis tend to fall on their faces.
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