Taurus P111?

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  • RIATAC45

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    I have the opportunity to purchase one for $225 with about 20rd through it. I would like to know everyone's opinion on these, and is it worth it? Yay or Nay. I know the owner personally, so I'm not concerned about getting ripped off. He offered to let me shoot it first before I decide, I would just like to have some opinions on it and Taurus in general.
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    Feb 23, 2008
    I love my Taurus PT-92, it stays on my nightstand instead of the FN's, HK's, and Sig's I own. I was actually looking for that exact gun, so if you don't pick it up, could you forward the seller's info to me.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Austin, TX
    My dad just bought one, going to the range tomorrow to shoot it up. I have shot several Taurus guns. They seem to shoot just like every other weapon, seem to be put together well, but no word on longevity. I'll let you know how the shoot goes.


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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    Man, I've heard so many mixed comments about Taurus autos. Some saying they're alright, others saying don't be your life on them and still others saying they're incredible. OTOH, their revolvers seem to get nothing but praise. I wouldn't mind having a PT145 Millennium Pro to bang around with.
    The Taurus you're looking at sounds like a fair price. If you don't like it, I'll bet you could make your money back on it.
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    Feb 23, 2008
    Taurus before around 95 or so had pretty crappy quality, since then, they've been good guns. I would be life on my 92 any day.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Yep, from what I understand Taurus used to have some issues with quality control, though this was years ago. Most of their new stuff seems to be pretty good. I still kick myself for selling the PT-92 I bought new from Cabelas. That was probably the best deal I've had. It was ~$475 new and came with 6 new mags. ;) I put several hundred rounds through it and it was an excellent gun, so my experience with the brand has only been good. I too have considered some of Taurus' polymer frame guns and from my limited research the general consensus seems to be that they are decent quality guns.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    Good gun.

    That is a decent pistol. We have 2 of them, one is my wifes...the other is mine (hers is pink). My wifes is single/double action, where mine is DAO. I don't like DAO triggers, so I don't shoot it that much. I have other pistols I shoot more often. Having said that, it isn't the pistols fault. I didn't realize it was DAO when I bought it. IF it were single/double action, I would shoot it a lot more often. No complaints.


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    That is a decent pistol. We have 2 of them, one is my wifes...the other is mine (hers is pink). My wifes is single/double action, where mine is DAO. I don't like DAO triggers, so I don't shoot it that much. I have other pistols I shoot more often. Having said that, it isn't the pistols fault. I didn't realize it was DAO when I bought it. IF it were single/double action, I would shoot it a lot more often. No complaints.

    I'm with you on that one, I don't like DAO triggers.
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    Feb 23, 2008
    Yep, from what I understand Taurus used to have some issues with quality control, though this was years ago. Most of their new stuff seems to be pretty good. I still kick myself for selling the PT-92 I bought new from Cabelas. That was probably the best deal I've had. It was ~$475 new and came with 6 new mags. ;) I put several hundred rounds through it and it was an excellent gun, so my experience with the brand has only been good. I too have considered some of Taurus' polymer frame guns and from my limited research the general consensus seems to be that they are decent quality guns.

    Check Academy, I picked mine up for $325, but only with 2 mags. I'm with you, probably one of the best deals on a pistol you can get.
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    Feb 23, 2008
    Also, I've never seen a 111 in DAO. I know the Millenium Pro in .32 and .45 come in DAO, but all the 9mm have all been DA/SA.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Offer him $200.I had the pt140 that was a good gun.The only problem was that if I shot more than 50 rounds of WWB thru it the ramp got dirty and started jamming.I could get 75 rounds thru it when I used good ammo.The little spring to put on the slide got me at first but I figured it out.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Just got back from the range. This thing is damn accurate. Recoil is very managable, and you can get clean CNS shots from 7 out to 25 yards no problem. The one I was shooting is a DA/SA, and I gotta say that I don't like the trigger pull at all. Its managable, but long, and odd feeling. A bit on the stiff side, but that is to be expected.

    The only real problem I found with the way I shoot pistols (thumbs locked and forward), it was a bit easy to hit the mag release and eject the mag while firing. A slight grip adjustment fixed that however.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Garland, TX
    Back in 1999 my daughter bought my son-in-law a Taurus PT-111 for a wedding present. She was on a limited budget and this made a nice present from a "gun girl". It has never jammed or misfired and has been reasonably accurate for a gun of it's size and price. So far, it has been a great buy.


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    Mar 19, 2008
    Abilene, Texas
    My son had one and liked it ok. I had a PT 145 Mil Pro that was a great little gun. Ate everything I fed it and went bang every time I pulled the trigger. But, as has been mentioned, I didn't like the long trigger pull, so I sold it.


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    Mar 10, 2008
    I have owned both the p-111 9mm and the Millennium Pro in .40 cal. I thought both guns were well made. They were small and easy to conceal. The only problem was that both pistols were not reliable enough for me to completely rely on them for CC. I typically would get a failure to eject in each pistol once in every magazine. Now, I bought these pistols the first year they came out, so the newer ones may be more reliable. And, no, I don't limp wrist. I have been shooting for 45 years and have competed in pistol shooting. I know how to shoot. I have found that whenever I talk about a pistol failing in some way, someone always claims that I am "limp wristing" it.

    Now remember, my pistols were some of the first built for these models. I imagine they have been improved since. If it wasn't for the FTE problem, I believe I would still own these guns. I am very picky and expect a gun (excluding a ammo problem) to always shoot when I pull the trigger. But, again the newer Taurus pistols may work just fine. Sounds like a good price.
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