Texas Gun Laws Sticky

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  • JoeyZ

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    Feb 23, 2008
    You know what would be a good idea is if we posted a sticky thread of Texas gun laws so that some one could do a quick check if they had a question regarding gun ownership and the Law. Do we have any legal experts here?


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    Feb 28, 2008
    Austin, Tx


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Here's a few links from the Texas State Code:

    -SB378 aka The Castle Doctrine

    -HB1815 This is the bill specifically legalizing every state resident that can legally own a firearm to carry one in their car (as long as it is concealed).


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    That's a tough one. Honestly, I'm still surprised Texas isn't an open carry allowed state. I mean afterall, this is TEXAS! ;) From what I understand, I think with most of the current states that allow open carry, I believe their open carry laws have been on the books for decades if not over half a century or longer (you know back when people were sane). As liberal as this country has become, I honestly don't know if it would happen or not. Personally, I'd still rather carry concealed. I'd rather I be the only one around me that knows I'm carry as opposed to having it visible on my hip and constantly having to deal with peoples irrational and emotional fear of inanimate objects. Anyways, lets try to keep on topic, this is a sticky so lets keep posts related to TX state gun laws, state code, etc please. :)


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    I think at this point most lobbyist groups such as the NRA and NRA-ILA, TSRA, etc are more focused on preventing our rights from being further eroded away. '07 was a great year for Texas with Governor Perry signing into law the Castle Doctrine, HB1815 (the car handgun carry law), etc. Also, as it is the number of CHL holders is rather low in this state compared to some like Florida. As of 12/31/07 Texas has 288,909 active license holders. Here's the reference from the DPS: Link

    Getting an open carry law signed in is a pretty big step, so honestly I think it would be awhile before anyone in office even debates/considers this issue.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Yep, I agree. I don't know what the population of Florida is, though I remember hearing that they have well over 800,000 CHL holders there, so we definitely have some catching up to do.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    HB 1815 was waaaayyyyy overdue! Too bad some DA's and some LEO departments vowed to ignore it which will still make someone's life hell temporarily. I always had a problem with the idea of being licensed to carry, but broke down and got my CHL just to simplify things.

    Too bad the bad guys aren't burdened with laws and regulations like we responsible citizens are.

    I doubt you'll ever see open carry in Texas, or see any state that isn't already, go to open carry. Frankly, if Texas were open carry, as much as I may dislike it, I'd conceal carry anyway. Especially in North Texas, many areas are 50% or more transplants from around the country. Our Texas culture is already being diluted faster than you can imagine, and many, if not most of those transplants don't have a clue that responsible people , their neighbors, carry hand guns in their car or on their person, or in some cases long guns. If they did, they'd start screaming in those funny northern accents to dis-arm everyone before crime rates rise like they were where they came from, where it's not legal to carry, or even own one. :D They just don't/won't get it.
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