To Hell with Hitlery

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  • Texas1911

    TGT Addict
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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    None stop calling, letters in the mail, etc. from that woman's lost cause. :mad:

    Why cant we just clone Ronald Reagan and put an end to the Democrat party.


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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    None stop calling, letters in the mail, etc. from that woman's lost cause. :mad:

    Why cant we just clone Ronald Reagan and put an end to the Democrat party.

    As Rush says, we need to keep a few around so that we never forget what a liberal is. I hope she gets the nomination because she can't win the election. Not that I'm a big fan of McCain, but Hitlery is a family board, right?


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Garland, TX
    I held my nose and voted for Hillary today. Yes, I am a cross over voter who can't stand the thought of Obama getting elected. He is the most anti gun candidate in US history to run for POTUS:mad:. Of course, I will hold my nose and vote for John McCain in the general election. McCain hasn't been one of our best friends in the past either:(.


    TGT Addict
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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    I held my nose and voted for Hillary today. Yes, I am a cross over voter who can't stand the thought of Obama getting elected. He is the most anti gun candidate in US history to run for POTUS:mad:. Of course, I will hold my nose and vote for John McCain in the general election. McCain hasn't been one of our best friends in the past either:(.


    If I can get to the polls I'm voting Huckabee, he holds a CHL and will look after our 2nd Ad.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Garland, TX
    ......but the Huckster doesn't have a chance. I would vote for him to if I thought he had a chance. As it was, I saw the opportunity to cast a vote against Obama. I am going back to the caucus tonight and cast another vote against the big "O".
    A lot of folks in my precinct are crossing over to vote against Obama.


    TGT Addict
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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    ......but the Huckster doesn't have a chance. I would vote for him to if I thought he had a chance. As it was, I saw the opportunity to cast a vote against Obama. I am going back to the caucus tonight and cast another vote against the big "O".
    A lot of folks in my precinct are crossing over to vote against Obama.

    I know the futility, I just vote out of principle.


    Omnipotent Potentate for hire.
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    Oct 4, 2013
    Gunz are icky.


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