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  • Gpz1100

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    Mar 15, 2008
    Warren, TX

    Big thank you to Keith Norman of NFA Investments.


    This thing is staple gun quiet. I couldn't be more pleased with it. Great job on the finish too.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    That looks great sir! Have you tried any subsonic ammo through it yet? If not, you're in for a treat because there should literally be almost no sound except the action cycling. ;) I'm definitely going to have to get one of these eventually.


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    Mar 15, 2008
    Warren, TX
    Thanks. yep, we ran a 100 rounds through it when I got home. Decent group at 50 yards too. I'll figure out which sub sonics it likes best, Remington or CCI. Those are the easiest for me to get my hands on right now. May try others if needed. I'll try some standard ammo too, just for fun. :)


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    Mar 3, 2008
    Austin, Houston
    Which can is that?

    What a good looking pistol! I love the fact it looks like a heavy barrel target gun to keep people from getting alarmed. So many folks are trained to think suppressors are BAD and that's a shame since they are so pleasant to shoot.



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    Apr 28, 2008
    Kenefick, TX
    GPZ1100 - Could you PM me some contact info for NFA investments?

    Also If you don't mind divulging the info, what did that set you back? Was it a conversion of a RMII you already had or did you get it lock stock and barrel?

    I am thinking that something very similar to that is going to be my first NFA purchase.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    What a good looking pistol! I love the fact it looks like a heavy barrel target gun to keep people from getting alarmed. So many folks are trained to think suppressors are BAD and that's a shame since they are so pleasant to shoot.


    I bet you've had to deal with your fair share of shocked remarks from the uninformed! ;) Chris, have you ever had any problems with anyone when at the range with some NFA stuff?


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    Mar 3, 2008
    Austin, Houston

    Most people are only curious when you bring neat toys to the range and are theones I love to let try and learn. However, you get the occasional folks that are convinced those are illegal and ask why you would want such a thing if you are not police or military. Quite often I have heard, "those are only for assassins".

    The root of the issue is a lot of people are uninformed about the legality of silencers and look only as far as hollywood for education. A real shame since shooting a suppressor has so many benefits. Reminds me of a talk I had while attending Blackwater North in Illinois. Seems swat in Chicago is not allowed to have suppressors and uses M4's for entry. Anyone who has experience with 5.56 understands that a single oversight with hearing protection during an op or training can cause permanent damage when it occurs indoors. The powers that be make the decision to not allow suppressors due to political correctness and the officers suffer.



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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Most people are only curious when you bring neat toys to the range and are theones I love to let try and learn. However, you get the occasional folks that are convinced those are illegal and ask why you would want such a thing if you are not police or military. Quite often I have heard, "those are only for assassins".

    The root of the issue is a lot of people are uninformed about the legality of silencers and look only as far as hollywood for education. A real shame since shooting a suppressor has so many benefits. Reminds me of a talk I had while attending Blackwater North in Illinois. Seems swat in Chicago is not allowed to have suppressors and uses M4's for entry. Anyone who has experience with 5.56 understands that a single oversight with hearing protection during an op or training can cause permanent damage when it occurs indoors. The powers that be make the decision to not allow suppressors due to political correctness and the officers suffer.


    Yep, it is annoying dealing with the ill-informed. ;) I'm sure the average uninformed individual trying out the average handgun with a suppressor and standard supersonic ammo but without earpro will likely change their impression of suppressors very quickly! ;) They would likely ask if the "silencer" is broken. lol I was surprised but, with all that I've learned of NFA laws, legality of suppressors, machineguns, etc over the past year or so, every single one of my friends was under the assumption such devices were illegal.


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    Mar 3, 2008
    Austin, Houston
    regarding misconception

    I have an old roommate from Austin (just south of town on Onion Creek)where we had a range in the backyard who is convinced my silencers are illegal. This is a smart fellow who is an avid shooter. When I mentioned visiting and letting him try the cans he had a fit and would not believe me that they are legal to own. When i mentioned that we sold these and explained the ATF process he was still in disbelief. He still refuses to believe me on the suppresors even though subguns are allowed.:confused:


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    Jul 24, 2008
    Houston/Galveston TX
    Most people are only curious when you bring neat toys to the range and are theones I love to let try and learn. However, you get the occasional folks that are convinced those are illegal and ask why you would want such a thing if you are not police or military. Quite often I have heard, "those are only for assassins".

    The root of the issue is a lot of people are uninformed about the legality of silencers and look only as far as hollywood for education. A real shame since shooting a suppressor has so many benefits. Reminds me of a talk I had while attending Blackwater North in Illinois. Seems swat in Chicago is not allowed to have suppressors and uses M4's for entry. Anyone who has experience with 5.56 understands that a single oversight with hearing protection during an op or training can cause permanent damage when it occurs indoors. The powers that be make the decision to not allow suppressors due to political correctness and the officers suffer.

    I think they just watch too much CSI-Miami. The writers of that show are so FOS that it isn't even funny. But Calleigh sure does look good in those pants. :D


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    May 4, 2008
    Funny thing is, suppressors were originally marketed as "the gentlemanly way to shoot", to protect hearing, not bother neighbors, and make the whole activity more "civilized".....

    Had a class-3 dealer tell me they had to start regulating them due to poachers........hmmmmm I said - then why isn't the a wildlife-related agency dealing with it? Why is a tax agency charged with regulating "interstate commerce" dealing with wildlife managment?


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Suppressors, as with tons of other firearms-related stuff, have sure garnered a bad wrap due to people basing their ill-informed conclusions off of factually incorrect movies over decades and decades. I'm sure if the typical irrational anti actually heard say a suppressed 45acp handgun up close and personal without earpro, they would change their tune pretty quick. ;)

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