Im looking to upgrade from a single stage press to either one of these presses for reloading. Im leaning towards a 4 hole turret lee press. What would yall recommend?
Well if most of your loading is going to be pistol ammo then a progressive is the only way to go - IMO.
I load about 90% pistol and 10% rifle and most days at the loading bench I crank out 500 + rounds, so a turret press is just to slow. IMO a turret press is great for cranking out lots of rifle ammo but just too many steps to quickly turn out pistol ammo.
I'm a old time re-loader and still using an old Hornaday Pro-jector. But one of the best presses I have ever owned. I keep a Lee progressive set up for 9mm only because I feel the Lee's are just to light weight for large case re-loading (44mag, 45LC, ect...)
IMO a Hornaday or Dillion are the best progressive presses out there.
Hope this helps and keep loadin them bullets.
Buy a Dillon and never look back, I use a SDB for my pistol ammo and a Single stage for rifle ammo, I would like a Dillon 650 but cannot justify the expense at this time. A 550 is a good press also.
Several years ago I had a Lee progressive and liked it. I am getting back into reloading, but I got a Lee Classic Turret this time. I got it set up last night and I think it will handle my reloading needs.
I believe you can turn out about 150 rounds or better and hour once you get accustomed to the process.
I am going to load .45ACP, 9mm and .38/.357.
Maybe I am a dummy (don't ask my wife's opinion on that), but some of the Lee set up instructions are a little vague. They do have a good website and excellent support. Anyway, I got it going without too much trouble.
country boy
Well - the Challenger is a single stage press! Actually, it was minor stuff. For example, the instructions did not show how to mount the Safety Prime to the turret press. The video showed you use a round washer and the supplied extra long bolt. No extra long bolt and washer were supplied. Turned out that they had changed the mount using a metal spacer, a metal mounting piece and the standard bolt. When I mounted it with the spacer, it was fine. There were a couple of other minor details like that.
I knew you were going to say something about mine being easy.. thats not what i meant. What I meant was the kit comes with the perfect measurer once i read the instructions it made since, it even gives the math equation to adjust the thing. Its just like delta tools vs. craftsman. My delta planer didnt show how to adjust the blades parallel to the cutter head. My craftsman planer showed everything step by step. I still have the delta planer and i sold the craftsman.
Just messing with you country boy. I prefer the step by step instructions and drawings or photos make it even better. I usually need all the help I can get!
not a problem.. i should have phrased my thought better. What I wanna know is why doesnt lee include a reloading manual that includes calibers like 7.62 tok. and others like that? I guess they want us to buy their newest edition reloading manual.